Three Recent SWAG Requests

[[popup:berdan.jpg:(thumbnail):Berdan Angantire:left:1]][[popup:ryavar_dyarek.jpg:(thumbnail):Ryavar Darek:left:1]][[popup:jacen_fel.jpg:(thumbnail):Jacen Fel:left:1]]Here are three recent Star Wars Artist Guild requests. Each thumbnail is a link to a bigger artwork. From left to right: Berdan Ngajio Angantire is a Mandalorian Death Watchman‘s son, Ryavar Darek is a Togorian Jedi and Jacen Fel is an Imperial Knight from the Legacy era. Click on the links on their names to view even larger pieces of artwork on deviantArt. There are links to the SWAG pages from the deviantArt pages.

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Gungan Slicer, A SWAG Request

[[popup:gunganslicer.jpg:(thumbnail):… with a bad attitude:left:1]]My first official completed SWAG request since this blog went live is done. The artwork was requested by Acheron and he wanted a picture of a Gungan slicer (a Star Wars term for a hacker, is all). So, here’s a purple skinned Gungan like Captain Tarpals, wearing a headgear with a comlink and a blaster pistol, quickly typing on the keyboard to retrieve some restricted data from a computer database. Hopefully, he isn’t discovered by guards any time soon. As a bonus, here’s a SWAG blog (Swog?) entry of the picture taking it through three days as a work-in-progress in this laptop, from its pencil work in Painter Classic to what it turned out to be.

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Corpsman of the Cybertron Sector

Green Lantern Corps – Roll Out!

You know that one of the lifeforms in the universe that most deserve the Green Lantern Corps power ring is the guy depicted on the left. He has no self-doubt. He has no quantifiable fear. The only thing he’ll pause to is to see if an upcoming battle will have unacceptable collateral damage. But if the collateral damage is acceptable, any enemies (Sinestro Corps, I’m looking at you) will have a Lantern-powered energon sword stabbed at their faces. Click on the thumbnail to see the full version. Click here to see a bigger version at deviantArt.

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A Great Old One Rises

[[popup:cthulhu_ascendant.jpg:(thumbnail):Cthulhu Ascendant:left:1]]Up from cold dark R’lyeh, the Great Old One ascends to the surface to greet the weak-willed ones with despair, madness and obedience, and the rebellious stronger-willed ones with slow, painful death. Nothing will stand in Cthulhu’s way in turning the world into his own hellish playground where the seas and rivers will run red with blood. And the screams of tortured beings will never cease til the stars run cold. Yeah, baby.

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Tacking Into The Wind

Been a while since I fiddled around with Painter Classic, or have an entry in the Artwork category. So off the top of my head I decided to hammer out a galleon. I wonder why a galleon? Did I read or watch something about pirates somewhere? Click here to see a larger picture at DeviantArt.

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When I grow up I wanna be a superhero

Illustration Friday: Super Hero

It’s been several ice ages since I participated in an Illustration Friday. So, here’s one for this week. Created wholly with the Gimp 2.2 using the handy-dandy Wacom – after I finally figured out how to activate pressure sensitivity of the stylus. Which took me an hour or so. The subject is “Super Hero”, something almost ever child dreamed of being at least once in his or her life. So here is a kid acting out his fantasy to be a costumed crimefighter, hopefully without breaking a limb falling off the roof.

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A Matter of Taste

Stuck in the Jam: A Matter of Taste

Whee! A webcomic! Based on a true story, even. Which happened earlier today. Director’s Commentary mode on (since most of the text is in Malay): Normanis isn’t a standard Malay-Muslim name. I’m guessing it’s an allusion to names beginning with “Nor” (or “Nur“) which is Arabic for “light”. Suddenly there’s a Malay word there “manis” which means “Sweet”. Therefore Normanis is literally Sweet Light. Of course, I’m assuming it’s a female name since I’ve never heard it before. To square off the quip, “tawar” for the conjectural husband and “pahit” for the eventual daughter respectively means “tasteless” and “bitter”. I have nothing against your name Normanis, whoever you are. But thanks for being the subject of a side-splitting off-the-cuff joke while we were stuck in a traffic jam which will no doubt be lost on readers of this entry, and I have only one excuse for all of you: “You […]

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Starfleet Officers

From Thirteen Years Ago

Sometimes rummaging through your old stuff that you haven’t touched for years can surprise you in a good way. Yesterday, upon cleaning house I stumbled across three artwork of mine which I made back in 1993, several thousand years before my first foray into the digital medium. Click on the titles to view them in their entirety on deviantArt.

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Blue Harvest

Blue Harvest

I’m a bit late for last month’s SWAG Theme Art Contest, entitled “Blue Harvest”. The subject matter alludes to the working title for the movie Return of the Jedi during its filming, to throw rabid Star Wars fans off its trail. It’s also the name of a fanzine in the early 90s, which I contributed some art and writing to. So what’s blue and likely to be harvested in the Star Wars universe? To view a bigger image, check out its entry at deviantArt.

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Hal Rogero

A Colonial Viper Pilot in d20

My friend Shane Welin is now in a d20 game with a difference. The rules might be powered by the run-of-the-mill d20 Modern / Future engine but I believe this is the first time I know of a campaign set in the world of Battlestar Galactica whose third season will be aired this next month. His player character stats is listed below, but I’ll see about getting stats for Colonial Vipers (Mark IIs and Mark VIIs), Raptors and Cylon Raiders up here as well. Anyway, here’s Shane’s Hal Rogero (still no callsign) in d20: Name: Hal Rogero Age: 18 Sex: Male Height: 5’10 Weight : 150 lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Colony: Picon Classes: Smart/Fast/Viper Pilot Levels: 1/3/3 Str: 12 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 16 Wis: 16 Cha: 10 HP: 51 Rep: +2 Wealth : +2 Defense 17 Fortitude Save:4 Reflex Save: 7 Willpower Save: 7 Initiative: 7 Base […]

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The Vacation is Over

The Vacation Is Over – For These Younglings

Round Five of the Star Wars Artists’ Guild Member Theme Art Contest (link dead) is almost over, what with September starting tomorrow and all. So here I am after some hours of pencilling on paper, scanning and finally digitally inking and colouring the illustration for contest participation. The theme is The Vacation Is Over. I can’t think of a more brutal wake up call than when the newly-named Lord Darth Vader marching into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant with the 501st “Vader’s Fist” Legion and slaughtering everyone, including the younglings during Revenge of the Sith. Head on down to DeviantArt for a larger resolution of the image above.

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A Clean Prized Object

Illustration Friday: Clean

A visual study of the juxtaposition of a gigantic, filthy garbage monster with a sparkling clean jewelled goblet upon its hand, its most prized possession. For some reason, it is the one thing in its collection which it keeps spotlessly clean. Woohoo! I get to use the word “juxtaposition” once again! Still no opportunity for the word “curbstomp”, “mandelbrot” nor “ragamuffin”.

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