D6 Magazine

Have You Punched A Dinosaur Today?

You don’t have to punch one, really. You could also fly to with a jet pack and slug its jaw with a hammer. Or perhaps you could stop punching dinosaurs and started hugging them. HAVE YOU HUGGED A DINOSAUR TODAY? Here’s the artwork for the cover of D6 Magazine, from the OpenD6 roleplaying community. I’ve played variations of the D6 system since 1989 and I can’t recommend it enough. The actual magazine should be released within this next week. Click here for a larger image.

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Qualtis Majint

A Reluctant Jedi

Remember Admiral Tarn Majint from a couple of posts ago? Here’s his daughter Qualtis Majint – with her blue robes and her blue-bladed lightsabre – who definitely does not resemble Bill Nighy in any way. Like any self-respecting character in any Star Wars RPG campaign, she loves thermal detonators. A SWAG request by Jan Tolbara for his wife’s RPG character on her birthday. Made with GIMP. Click here to view (and download) a larger image.

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A Kubaz Majordomo

Here’s another SWAG request I picked up. Derf requested a Kubaz majordomo character by the name of Rbarindan, with “many friends and relations in low places”. His species is the same as Garindan, the spy who shadowed Luke, Ben and the droids in Mos Eisley on their way to the Millennium Falcon in the first Star Wars movie. Click here and hit the image there to see (or download) a larger version.

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Admiral Tarn Majint

An Imperial Fleet Admiral

I picked up a SWAG request from Jan Tolbara for a character named Tarn Majint, an Imperial Admiral. He is visually inspired by the actor Bill Nighy, but without the pirate hat and the tentacled face. Of course, a tentacle-faced Imperial officer isn’t that much of a stretch for Star Wars. Click here and hit the image to see (or download) a larger version.

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Azamar - Falling

Azamar Scenes of Battle

I also had to produce two full page action scenes for the Azamar RPG in black and white, which I actually painted with GIMP in grayscale. It was quite a learning experience. If you’ve read the previous Creatures of Azamar blog posts, you’ll notice a couple types of beasts in the second image that I have previously illustrated. Azamar RPG core rule book using the Cinema6 rules framework is published by Wicked North Games, and will be released in 2011.

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Creatures of Azamar Part Six Already?

Here is the latest batch of images commissioned for Wicked North Games‘ Azamar fantasy RPG core rulebook. I have to say I can’t wait to see them all printed in the book. Perhaps I’ll get to run some adventures using it. These creatures are somewhat small, but are able to fly and attack with their lethal tongues. A Fiend Lord defeats a Tre’uoall Sword Chanter in battle. Poor dude. This Demon Fiend appear to have the legs for an extraordinary jump and is able to use magic. The lumbering, somewhat hirsute creature known in Azamar as a Troll. To check out the larger versions of the images, feel free to browse them at their DeviantArt gallery.

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Azamar – Personal Combat Gear

When one goes adventuring in a high fantasy world such as Azamar, one needs to be prepared for encounters with horrific beasts, lethal environment and evil sorcerers! I mean, if you attempt to take a journey through the Olm Jungle with only a Ben 10 plastic tumbler of orange cordial and an iPod, I’m sure you’ll be shanked in the nads by Uumul before noon. Here are pictures of weapons and equipment you can choose to wear or arm yourself with. Click on the thumbnail for a better view on things. Commissioned by Wicked North Games for the Azamar RPG sourcebook. Click the pictures to view larger images.

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Azamar – Location! Location! Location!

Other than creatures, I was also commissioned to produce geographical illustrations for the Azamar RPG sourcebook. Here are black and white digital illustrations for various locations in the world of Azamar. The book will be published by Wicked North Games in 2011. A view of a city skyline upon the picturesque continent of Abalos – the city of Orb, perhaps? The sun sets on the rolling grasslands of Grazen, a centre of commerce between the Wyvine and the Immyr. Ships pass by each other along the narrow Hoarfrost Strait between Olm and Evercrow. The longest road in Azamar upon the continent of Olm, the Old Highway is safeguarded and defended by Wyvine patrols. One of the Lookout Towers overlooking the waters of Wizard’s Bay, vigilant of threats from the sea.

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My Pet Cthulhu

It was show and tell time at school, so little Ayumu Kasuga brought her pet that she found washed ashore along Osaka bay. She could not really recall how she came to have it, or how she brought it home… or even how she got it to school for show and tell, but there it was like a shadow upon a shadow deep from a lingering nightmare. When it was her turn she began to speak. She was somewhat aware that she spoke in a tongue both beautiful and ugly to hear but she thought nothing of it. Some of the sounds she made did not seem possible to have vocalised by a human but she also thought nothing of this. But her voice carried, and everyone who heard it came – even ones who were too far away to listen. Soon her class was filled with students from other […]

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Creatures of Azamar Part Five

Here are six new artwork of mystical and deadly beings of the Azamar fantasy roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. The kongamato is a small pterodactyl-like creature with a long, sharp tail with which it slashes its prey. The korac is a large underwater beast that swims up and devours its food with its large maw and sharp teeth. Also called a riding rat, the nauvowl is a giant rodent which can be ridden for transport or combat. A slane worm is a burrowing predator with a tough spines, a lethal horn on its head and a skin with some camouflage abilities. A spindler is a carnivorous plant which can crawl on the ground with its prehensile vine-like root system and paralyse its victim with neurotoxin-laden darts. Swinders are smaller, aquatic cousins of the slane worms, spines and all. Click here for larger images of the beasts.

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Creatures of Azamar Part Four

Here are five new artwork of mystical and deadly beings of the Azamar fantasy roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. A Fiend which vomits its caustic stomach acid upon its prey and gobbles them up whole. Feline-like Fiends with four eyes and four arms. Revenants are actually magical balls of flame that can transform itself into fiery visage of an undead warrior. Saturians are extremely attractive human-like Fiends, until they unfold their maw to feed. Syetans are hideously ugly Fiends with three hoofed legs and very asymmetrical features on their faces.

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A Trio of Horrific Monsters

After finishing up the artwork in the previous entry, Vonschlick Productions sent some more light jobs my way: three mostrous horrors, also to be used by tabletop gamers. The art orders were for a werewolf, a vampire and a monster of my choice – which I drew a monstrous burrowing beast from the dark, slimy depths of the Earth’s crust. So here they are: [[image:vonschlick-horror-werewolf.jpg:Not Michael J. Fox, nosiree:center:0]] Werewolf [[image:vonschlick-horror-vampire.jpg:A Nosferatu-class aortic biter.:center:0]] Vampire [[image:vonschlick-horror-chthonic-horror.jpg:Shudde M’ell from entry #734:center:0]] Chthonic Horror Again, wait for the high-resolution images to be released in Vonschlick’s catalogue on their DriveThruRPG.com catalogue by year’s end for your gaming use.

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A Trio of Fantasy Elves

Vonschlick Productions is a company that publishes character artwork for role-playing games. Recently, I was commissioned to illustrate a series of three generic fantasy Elves for their new character artwork book. Here they are in low-resolution. To get high-resolution, print-ready images for your game, purchase the book which should be listed on their DriveThruRPG.com catalogue by the end of the year. [[image:vonschlick-elven-warrior.jpg:With a bit of Reverend Strone’s influence, perhaps:center:0]] Warrior [[image:vonschlick-elven-scout.jpg:The obligatory hot elf chick:center:0]] Scout [[image:vonschlick-elven-wizard.jpg:…with Warcraft elf ears instead of Spock ears:center:0]] Mage

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Creatures of Azamar Part Three

Here are four new artwork of creatures of the Azamar roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. The diminutive Foragers, denizens of the deep, are raiders of the surface world. The mysterious and venomous hydreans appear to be floating jellyfish that are attracted to magic use in Azamar. Not the form of a traditional kraken, but it would be quite interesting to be camped out on an island which would submerge without warning. Zull Huge, lumbering zulls have tough scales on their hide and are able to burrow with their paws.

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An Anomid

An Anomid Tech Specialist

Anomids are aliens which have no vocal cords in the Star Wars galaxy. Over millennia, they developed and communicate with each other via an elaborate sign language using their six-fingered hands. However, when communicating with the galaxy at large, Anomids wear a voice synthesiser mask which allows them to speak to other species. This RPG character artwork of a teenaged Anomid tech specialist was requested by “Michael” at the Star Wars Artists’ Guild forum. Click here to access a larger image on DeviantArt.

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