Mother Chong

Art of Wuxia NPCs

Early this year, DwD Studios invited me to produce interior artwork for their new RPG rulebook Art of Wuxia. Unfortunately, I was unable to oblige their request because of work commitments. I did try, but I just could not produce artwork during that stretch of time. So, they had to […]

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There goes the ship

Cover Art: Dark Side of Loridian

I recently made the cover art for DwD Studios’ upcoming adventure module for their science fiction roleplaying game FrontierSpace entitled Dark Side of Loridian. It looks a little bit like this: I am also tasked with drawing several interior artwork which I will post here after the product has been released.

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Where everybeing knows your name

FrontierSpace Chapter Pages

Besides robots, I have also submitted some chapter pages to DwD Studios for FrontierSpace. I feel bad for the slow output though. The semester is almost over, so things might go faster after. The role-playing game is currently being playtested. Watch this space for the release of FrontierSpace from DwD […]

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A bunch of awesome digest-sized books!

A Package from DwD Studios

Copies of roleplaying game books arrived today from DwD Studios, sent by Bill Logan! As has been documented on the blog before, I’ve played BareBones Fantasy with Irfan the first time here, then during International TableTop Day here and finally here when he experienced his first player character (PC) death. […]

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Some sort of Incal panel, I'm told

Star Frontiers: Balneum Blue

Last year I illustrated some pictures for Balneum Blue, an article for Star Frontiers RPG. And after more than a year it’s finally released in the pages (and the cover) of Star Frontiersman magazine issue 25! Here’s the cover I did, of some gigantic floating aquatic jellyfish creatures called the […]

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Without frogs on them

Dunjonworx Card Game

I drew some tiles for the Dunjonworx Card Game by DwD Studios. Also, I also made door as transparent PNG that DwD Studios can randomly place on the walls of these rooms, creating different door configuration for each room. Links to the product can be found at the end of […]

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Yes, that is a Top Secret movie quote right there

Salvage Ops Card Art

Here are a series of artwork for Salvage Ops card game by DWD Studios. Players play members from four space salvage corporations. Here are five of the gear in space derelicts that the players could grab for points during the game, and two of the hazard card artwork that might […]

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Covert Ops Map

BareBones Covert Ops Map

Here’s a thumbnail of a map I drew for DwD Studios‘ BareBones Covert Ops RPG. Ultimately S.E.C.T.O.R. base locations will populate this chart. What is S.E.C.T.O.R., you ask? I have no idea yet. Look for the upcoming book which should be released later this year.

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Pistol with bayonet

Balneum Blue: Gnatha Weapons

I drew some aquatic biotech ranged weapons for a project for Star Frontiersman magazine. These are biotech gear created by an alien species called the Gnatha. These are not merely tools, but they are living, breathing organisms! These creatures can swim on their own accord, while the Gnatha use them […]

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The Field Commander

BareBones Covert Ops Archetypes

The hardworking guys over at DwD Studios are developing their own espionage, counter-intelligence and paramilitary game using its BareBones role-playing system. Here are the artwork for archetypes that can be used either as PCs or NPCs right out of the box. Each and any of these characters can be found […]

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BareBones Experiment Artwork

DWD Studios came up with a great project suggestion. Somewhat like Wicked North Games’ Azamar: The Paradise Fragment project, I was to create a cover and six interior black and white artwork, which the game developers will create a adventure around them. The adventure will be a supplement to their […]

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