Lava Jaeger nose art

EOTE: On the Trail of Dad

Edged by the Empire Episode 08 On The Trail of Dad Previously on Edged by the Empire… Irfan had 35 XPs, so he blew it on a couple of more Talents, namely a second Skilled Jockey, a second Galaxy Mapper and Improved Dead to Rights. He was free of any […]

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Grinning at a missed missile

EOTE: Family Obligations

Edged by the Empire Episode 06 Family Obligations Previously on Edged by the Empire… Before the game began, no Obligations were triggered. As before, even if there was only one player, I considered all three main characters as player characters so three Force Dice were rolled, resulting in a Destiny […]

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From some fake comic

EOTE: The Azurite City Requiem

Modesty Blazing 07 The Azurite City Requiem *** In this game I thought I could finish this arc of the campaign in the second session. I failed. Previously on Modesty Blazing… Hello and Goodbye As explosions wrecked the peaceful evening at Azurite City, the team began to regroup. The Duros […]

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GMing Vigorously!

EOTE: An Ode to Backwater Politics

Modesty Blazing 06 An Ode to Backwater Politics *** After saving the life of the long-frozen PRINCE ZALO HAI of the GHYEL system, the crew of the MODESTY BLAZE has found themselves contracted by Prince Zalo’s descendant LORD ARANI HAI, a Ghyel loyalist. The GALACTIC EMPIRE, unsatisfied with Ghyel providing […]

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The Zaku represents... something or other

EOTE: The Prince In Carbonite

Modesty Blazing 05 The Prince In Carbonite  *** Previously, on Star Wars: Modesty Blazing… After disposing of the twisted IG-series assassin droid that took over the Imperial Biomedical Base on the icy world of Khov and freeing the captured prisoners at Smallberries Skystation on Hypori, the Modesty Blaze returned to the deserted […]

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The figs belong to the Trianii

EOTE: Droid-like Typing Detected

Modesty Blazing 04 Droid-like Typing Detected *** The Zeltron pilot Darter Kel had been detained for questioning by the authorities of Smallberries Skystation on Hypori. After all he was the one who dealt with and was up close with the former Captain Razi Sunmote. The errant Captain Sunmote used a droid caller […]

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Battle with droids

EOTE: Skyfall

Modesty Blazing 03 Skyfall *** Note: This GOKL campaign follows the Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beginners Game that started with GOKL Escapes Mos Shuuta and continued with GOKL Escapes The Insurmountable Ned. Now that the former Krayt Fang has been renamed Modesty Blaze (after a short stint as Babymetal before retcon renaming) after its major refitting on Rodia, the […]

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Hondo and Numa

EOTE: Return to Mos Shuuta

Edged by the Empire Episode 04 Return to Mos Shuuta The Star Wars RPG adventure continues from the previous session with Act 2 of The Long Arm of the Hutt free downloadable adventure (PDF download, low res version, 2.4MB). The story arc concludes with “Return to Mos Shuuta”, but the […]

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The final encounter with Poggle, Zasvid, the Geonosians soldiers and Battle Droids

EOTE: Aggressive Negotiations

Edged by the Empire Episode 03 Aggressive Negotiations The Star Wars RPG adventure continues from the previous session with Act 2 of The Long Arm of the Hutt free downloadable adventure (PDF download, low res version, 2.4MB). The original title of this chapter is Geonosian Negotiations. On the run from […]

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Epic droid roleplaying going on

GOKL Escapes Mos Shuuta

Modesty Blazing 01 Escaping Mos Shuuta *** I’ve already run Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG Beginner Game adventure for Irfan, so now I would see how it would fare with half a dozen experienced tabletop RPGers, namely the guys at GOKL. From the available pregenerated characters in the […]

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