Home team at night

First Tarawih of the Plague Year

Ramadhan Mubarak, everyone. Tonight was Ramadhan Eve. We had our first Tarawikh prayers of the year, during a semi-quarantine pandemic-based lockdown. Ramadhan usually brings joy, but with the outbreak everyone feels fear and uncertainty. The authorities have suspended congregational prayers at the masjid to prevent spread of the Covid-19 disease. […]

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Pre-Aidilfitri in Pasir Mas

After our journey through Thailand to get to Pasir Mas, we finally arrived just in time for buka puasa at the dinner table with the family there. Nia and family were already there to greet us.

Here are some photos of the fun times over the days before we drove to Sitiawan for Aidilfitri!

Perak beckons.

Time to go home for Maghrib

A New Place to Eat

We are always looking out for an affordable restaurant with delicious food. Luckily, there are still many places that surprise us in a good way in Perlis. South of Kangar towards the highway, while looking for a nasi mandi restaurant, we came across this good Thai restaurant for iftar. We […]

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Cousins together again

Driving Towards Kelantan

Two days before Eid, we drove to Pasir Mas. We had planned on departing at 2 a.m. but we all overslept. So, we left and headed east after Subuh prayers. A notable feature of this journey is that Ain drove for more than 80% of the way. She took the […]

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Peering at the TV

Final Iftar Outdoors

Ramadhan will end in a couple of days and soon we will head to Pasir Mas for Aidilfitri.  A new outdoor eatery popped up nearby, across the main road from our residential area. Nothing extraordinary to report except that this would be our last breaking of fast before Eid. Also, […]

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Balik kampung with car

Early Ramadhan in Perak

I drew the artwork above while in Sitiawan. It was the start of the second week of Ramadhan when we all drove to Perak for a long weekend to buka puasa with Irfan’s grandparents. Also, there was some business to be had in Ipoh with Wan Cu and family facilitating […]

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Irfan loves his burger

Iftar at Some Place Fancy

We rarely ate out for iftar this year. So we thought we’d go to the Kluang Station restaurant before Ramadhan was over. The Kluang Station restaurant was nearby and not in Kluang; though I’ve been to the Kluang Station restaurant in Kluang. Ain headed there after work to get some […]

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Food consumption

Iftar at Irfan’s School

Irfan’s school raised enough money to build a dedicated surau not just for the students and staff, but is open for the public. We attended its opening ceremony which also had Maghrib, Isha’ and Tarawikh prayers. The school principle was on hand with the PTA president to commemorate the event […]

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Breaking of Fast, Ramadhan 1431

Ramadhan mubarak to everyone! Another year, another fasting month. Ain spent an hour preparing this meal for our first breaking of fast this year. [[image:first-break-fast-2010.jpg:Delicious spicy stuff!:center:0]]  We broke fast with dates, before digging in, dining on rice, with some chicken and fish, and spinach. No fruits, no kuih-muih. We […]

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Selamat Hari Raya from Ohio

Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin from all of us in Ohio. We wish we could have been in Malaysia for the holiday, but we will have rendang and stuff here too (eventually when I get my act together). Lily did not show up for the picture taking session, and […]

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Eid Mubarak From Ipoh

[[image:aidilfitri-ipoh.jpg:Greetings from Rapat Setia Baru:center:0]] It’s been already 30 days into Ramadhan and beyond? It’s already Eid-ul-Fitr? How time flies. Greetings from Irfan’s Opah Cu’s home in Ipoh from our family to all three* of you regularly reading this blog. *This number might or might not fluctuate according to the […]

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Hishgraphics H

Into the Second Week of Ramadhan

It’s now the second week of Ramadhan. If anyone asks (and you’d know the answer to this if you’ve asked me) it’s been more tiring than it’s been hungry. The myth that you’re wiped out and floored by the hunger was totally dispelled when I was fourteen and playing hockey […]

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Posing for the photo

Pre-Aidilfitri at Pasir Mas

As was blogged earlier, three days before Deepavali were spent at Lubuk Tapah, Pasir Mas. Not only were there the pre-Aidilitri preparations going on, but they were also getting ready for the wedding of Ain’s cousin some time after the festivities, which Ain & I will have to miss. What […]

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