The Legion on JLU

No, not the French Foreign Legion. The DC Universe’s 30th century team the Legion of Super-Heroes finally get to shine in an episode of Justice League Unlimited titled “Far From Home”. Sure, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Chameleon Boy travelled back in time in Superman the Animated Series before, but […]

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Jack and Locke

Illustration Friday: Lost

My first Illustration Friday submission for 3 weeks and I’m late for it. It’s almost time for the next topic to come up. This week’s topic is “Lost”… and there’s only one thing that came up in my mind when I heard of the topic: One of my favourite TV […]

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Serenity Appreciation Entry

[[image:serenityposter.jpg:Serenity Movie Poster:left:0]]Once upon a time, Joss Whedon created a science fiction TV show called Firefly that had great characters, a fantastic millieux and a witty script. It got cancelled by Fox Network. Then its DVD sold faster than hotcakes. Fans wrote to revive the show. So, he wrestled the […]

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It’s Ramadhan

Starting today, I’m fasting for 30 days from dawn til dusk. A happy Ramadhan to all readers, and happy fasting to all Muslim readers. Sahur this morning, before dawn, we had rice with eggs and cabbages, while watching the Smallville season premiere, as Irfan slept. I have an idea for […]

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Instinct on Atlantis

Once upon a time I read the premise of Stargate Atlantis before they aired its pilot episode “The Rising”. I never would have thought the simple premise of an international team of civilian and military explorers sent to the lost city of Atlantis that happened to be on an uninhabited […]

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JLU Avatars

It’s cartoon avatar month on ACS Sitiawan Forums. My current favourite animated series now is Justice League Unlimited. So here are some JLU avatars for anyone’s use. No heavy hitters like Clark, Bruce and Diana. The only founding members here are John and Wally. The rest are second stringers, but […]

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But did he pee in this?

JLU -The Cadmus Arc

I’ve been a comic book reader ever since I can remember. One of the best spin-offs from the DC Universe would be the DC Animated Universe, beginning with Batman: The Animated Series. The current series set in the same universe is the Justice League Unlimited, based on the Justice League […]

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Where No Fan Has Gone Before

Billy West Interview

Billy West? Who, you ask? Just a voice in one of the best animated TV series ever, Futurama. He wasn’t just Philip J. Fry. He was also the voices of Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan, and even Richard Nixon. Now based on the diverse characters he brought […]

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