The Saber-class USS Sienkiewicz NCC-88034

STA: Gravity of the Situation

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E05 “Gravity of the Situation” *** Previously… With the flotilla led by the USS Ibn al-Nahfis headed towards the nearest Starbase, the USS Sienkiewicz is left to deal with the last 70 scientists, engineers and admin personnel. A huge asteroid, part of the extreme […]

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Title card Star Trek Adventures Emergency Deep S01E01

STA: Deep End of the Pool

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E01 “The Deep End of the Pool” Here’s a new style of Star Trek Adventures session write-up. A Captain’s Log as written by Dan who plays Captain Ellison. Dramatis Personae and GM’s synopsis is posted after the log. Beginning Captain’s Log. Stardate 58457.8 USS Östergötland […]

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A LCARS star map

STA: Black Hole Sun

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E04 “Black Hole Sun” *** Previously… Stardate: 57995.5. Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander (PC) Dr. Thomas Crane, Human medical officer (PC) Lt. JG Mason Bentley, Human security officer (PC) Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer (PC) […]

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I play Willem Novak

Blade Runner RPG: Electric Dreams

Over the course of January and February I played in the Blade Runner RPG Starter Set introductory adventure, entitled Electric Dreams. So, this write-up contains spoilers for a relatively brand new published product from Free League. Spoilers beyond this point. Read with caution. Dramatic Personae Willem Novak, Human, Inspector – […]

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Star Spawns

A Forgotten Cthulhu Art Commission

Back in early 2014, I was commissioned by someone to create artwork for his Kickstarter project. It was a Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos role-playing game using the Fate system. Unfortunately, the guy who ran the Kickstarter campaign over a period of time shirked his responsibilities and left his backers hanging. Fortunately, […]

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All in

First Visitors of 2023

Our first visitors for the year were Teik Sing, Michelle, Ashley, Emma and Ezra. Day One As mentioned before, Teik Sing and I have been best friends since we were 7 years old at ACS Sitiawan. Here we are decades later – with homes timezones apart – still being friends, […]

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Group Two group photo

BELSA 2022

Recently I was invited to join Phase 2 of BELSA 2022, the Basic English Language Camp Satun organised by the Language & General Studies Department at our university. The Fun Begins We welcomed them for the first day with a sukaneka, followed by a “Create Your Own Island” activity later […]

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Some guy in batik shirt

Anya in Alor Setar

It’s not every day Anya headed up north. So it was great to hang out with them when they came up north for the wedding of Ayah Cik Farid’s cousin. The wedding was held at Hotel Seri Malaysia in the middle of the city. Because Tok Bah and Tok Ma […]

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Irfan's Great-grandparents' house 01

Our Grandparents’ House

By “our”, I mean Sila’s and mine, on Atok Irfan’s side. As children, when Sila and I balik kampung, one of the locations we would go to was to visit our grandparents. We would sleep over with our parents here, celebrate Hari Raya here with cousins, and it used to […]

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Purple voting finger

Purplish Finger

According to the online system, Irfan is registered to vote in Pandan Indah, Ain in Pasir Mas and I in Sitiawan. It appears they set our locations to default to the addresses on our identity cars. This is after I have changed my voting location to Perlis over the counter […]

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