SWRPG books

SWD6: The Nerve of These Imperials

Episode 2 The Nerve of These Imperials Dramatis Personae Gev Dyson – Bounty hunter (Eddie) Kin Asa Goddard – Smuggler (Brian) Ordan Vallas – Minor Jedi (Edu) Zor Draco – Former TIE fighter pilot (Martín) R4-3T – Astromech droid (NPC) K3LP – KX security droid (NPC) Previously on Dawn of […]

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Then we headed for Bukit Jerneh

The Outbreak Aidilfitri II

Previously, on “The Outbreak Aidilfitri”… It has been 12 lunar months since the last Hari Raya and now Eid has returned, just in time for another nationwide lockdown. So that means we are unable to balik kampung again during the festive season. We had actually planned to spend Eid at […]

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Sensor Bot

Art Video: Sensor Bot

Here is another character I drew for Chris Mennell’s sci-fi setting he’s developing. This sensor bot has multiple sensors installed all over his body. The video is at 10x normal speed, and edited in Flowblade. Now that I look at it I think the head might have been subconsciously inspired […]

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Some manner of books

SWD6: Dawn of the Rangers

Episode 1 The Dawn of the Rangers Dramatis Personae Gev Dyson – Bounty hunter (Eddie) Kin Asa Goddard – Smuggler (Brian) Ordan Vallas – Minor Jedi (Edu) Zor Draco – Former TIE fighter pilot (Martín) R4-3T – Astromech droid (NPC) A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… […]

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30th April 2021 Goblinization Day

Today is Goblinization Day

According to the Shadowrun RPG, today, 30th April 2021, is Goblinization Day. This is when 10% of all humanity physically transforms from humans into orks and trolls throwing the world into further turmoil. Goblinization is not to be confused with UGE, where in 2011 people who were pregnant began giving […]

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Skull Spacer

Art Video: Skull Spacer

Here is a sped up video recording of my drawing a “Skull Spacer”, created for Chris Mennell. In actual fact, it took about 50 minutes to complete this. Additionally, I edited the video with both Flowblade on the desktop and InShot on mobile. The astronaut needs more skin lotion though. […]

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The gamemaster

STA: Plato’s Cave, Part 1

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S1 E06 Plato’s Cave, Part 1 *** Stardate: 57669.6 – Sep 02 2380 0143 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Lt. J.G. Simon Cañete, Human security officer Lt. Cmdr. Jora Mungar, Trill conn officer Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn […]

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Day 1 - MEKA2

Online Classes 2021 Begins

It was a longer-than-usual break thanks to the powers that be figuring things out during the pandemic. Ultimately, the new semester began today. This is the second semester I am teaching my course online fully. Perhaps it was because I had been prepared for this, based on the previous semester’s […]

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Spider Monkey

D6: Spider Monkey Stats

Spider Monkey: D6 Stats Spider Monkey Type: Tree-swinging monkey DEX 5D Dodge: 6D+2 Throw: poo 6D PER 2D STR 1D+2 Brawl: bite attack 5D Climb/jump: 7D Move:10 (on ground) / 15 (on trees) Special abilities: Bite attack: STR+1D Damage Poo flinging: On hit, roll target’s willpower against Moderate difficulty. Failure […]

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Raised on DnD with IKOM

Podcast Guest on Raised on DnD

Recently, Nick Cardarelli invited me to be a guest on his podcast, Raised on DnD! The podcast features those who plays tabletop role-playing games with children at home and students in class. Because I have both run RPG sessions at home for Irfan for 10 years and in classes for […]

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Ain trying her hand out at woodball

A Woodball Weekend

And so it came to pass that my former student Aidil invited Ain and I to play woodball at the university’s woodball field. With Irfan away at college, we thought it would be a great way to pass the time and learn new things. Apparently woodball is big at the […]

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Home team send off

The Emptying of Nest Begins

And it came to pass that Irfan was accepted into a course at the nearby Polytechnic. For many weeks, we prepared for his going. Before long, we discovered that it was time for him to go. We drove him to the Polytechnic where he registered for his 2-week quarantine period. […]

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I play Caleb Sale

Delta Green: Chicago Hopeless

We began a new campaign on Discord and Foundry VTT. This time it’s Delta Green, gamemastered by Ivan. Delta Green is a game of conspiracy of Lovecraftian proportions set in the modern age, and published by  Arc Dream Publishing. It uses a variation of Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying  System for Call […]

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USS Jemison

STA: Echoes of the Past

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S01 E05 Echoes of the Past *** Stardate 57669.4 – Sep 01 2380 2349 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Lt. J.G. Simon Cañete, Human security officer Lt. Cmdr. Jora Mungar, Trill conn officer Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn […]

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The Expanse Sister Moon

The Expanse RPG: Sister Moon

The Expanse 05 Sister Moon Last time on Scheherezade Tales… Kazuo Khan, Detective of Scheherezade Safety and Security Concern (S3C) of asteroid colony 643 Scheherezade a.k.a. Zadi was authorised to be transferred from the settlement to Keris Gangsa, the asteroid’s only armed patrol boat for a trip to Ganymede. His […]

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