The GM with the rulebook

STA: Breaking Out

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E02 Breaking Out *** Stardate: 57930.0 – Sat Dec 06 2380 0931 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian First Officer and mission commander Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer Dr. Thomas Crane, Human medical officer Non-Player Characters Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn officer – […]

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The STA GM and two players

STA: Spirited Away

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E01 Spirited Away *** Stardate: 57929.9 – Dec 06 2380 0851 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian First Officer and mission commander Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer Non-Player Characters Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn officer – shuttle pilot Lt. Annete Metaxis, Human bridge conn […]

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Saliva test kits

Two Lines

It has been almost two years since the pandemic officially kicked off in the country. After many mutations, the former denizens of the Tenth Floor (now in Transitory State) are now infected by the virus. At time of writing, there has been 440 million infections and 6 million deaths worldwide, […]

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One more group photo before we leave

Picnic by the Bendang

Yesterday, a group of colleagues organised a trip away from the bustling metropolis known as Kangar (mm-hmm) to nearby Pokok Sena for a picnic in the sticks. By sticks, I mean the beautiful, recently-launched Loqsakri Agro Farm. First we rendezvoused near Arau along the road to Jitra. Then we formed […]

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Anya Surprises Irfan

Anya Surprises Irfan

Irfan was feeling pretty exhausted physically and emotionally having to study at his college. Well, everyone feels that these days especially because of the COVID-19 pandemic that has petered out this last few months. So, we thought we’d give Irfan a happy surprise by NOT letting him know that his […]

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Anya the Co-teacher

Anya the Co-teacher

So Anya came over for a visit. I was teaching an online class when they arrived from Selangor. Young Anya entered the room, so I invited her to help me conclude the class I was teaching. This is what happened: Yes, we talked to the students about facehuggers.

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Ham Slacker character sheet

Ham Slacker Remembered

I have been running Star Wars The Role Playing Game published by West End Games since 1989, two years after its debut on the market. I wish I had saved a lot of the game materials I wrote and the character sheets the players had. I actually began filing my […]

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Most of the members of the Slaughterhouse Five

VTR: The Atlanta Requiem

Coincidentally, Anne Rice passed away earlier today on the first day of my playing Vampire the Requiem. It was an online session and we played as the young upstarts of Atlanta, known as Slaughterhouse Five. Who is Jackie Long? I played Jackie Long, a Nosferatu, and part of the Slaughterhouse […]

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Saber-class starship

STA: Theatre of the Mind

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S1 E08 Theatre of the Mind *** Stardate: 57669.9 – Tue Sep 02 2380 0435 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Lt. Cmdr. Jora Mungar, Trill conn officer Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer (Semi-temporary NPC) Lt. J.G. […]

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21st anniversary 01

Anniversary: Year 21

For the first time ever, we celebrated our anniversary tonight at a hotel. Five years ago or so, I would have never dared to dream we could do this. In any case, it was the best choice as there was not many other patrons in the hotel cafe. Nothing much […]

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STA: Plato’s Cave, Part 2

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S1 E07 Plato’s Cave, Part 2 *** Stardate: 57669.8 – Sep 02 2380 0338 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer Lt. J.G. Simon Cañete, Human security officer (Temporary NPC) Lt. Cmdr. Jora […]

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Cover of Dune RPG

Dune Adventures in the Imperium RPG

Mushtamal of Classic Science Fiction What nonsense is this? Both the science fiction books I read during my formative years during my teens are both being released as talkies this year? First of all, there’s Apple TV’s Foundation series – based on Isaac Asimov’s classic novels – which I might […]

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It me

Back in Office Once Again

After many months of working from home, having to run classes from the desk in the spare room, it was time to return to our offices. I am happy to report that everything is where they are supposed to be. Additionally, my office seems to be is regularly cleaned while […]

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