Right side partial inks

Azamar: Paradise Fragment 2

Here is the final interior artwork for the scenes in Azamar: The Paradise Fragment RPG supplement. Instead of including it with the group of artwork in the previous post, I shall describe how the illustration came into being using work-in-progress photos. First, pencils are made for the half-page sized illustration. […]

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The party... striking a pose of some kind

Azamar: Paradise Fragment 1

Here are some interior artwork for the Azamar role-playing game’s upcoming supplement The Paradise Fragment. Player Characters (PCs) are sent to the deserted and floating city of Adrya Orth on a mission and uncover a deadly secret. What is the secret? Don’t look at me I’m just the illustrator, not […]

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Rafe’s 1 Month Birthday

And so the boy is a month old! (More than that by now but thank god for backdated blog entries, teehee!) This month has really flown by. Since Adik’s adventures in bilirubin, it has been fairly peaceful for us. Like most newborns, his activities are confined to eating, sleeping, pooping, […]

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42 Months

It has been a milestone month for everyone! Yaya spent her first month as Kak Yaya (big sister Yaya), and we all had to adjust to having Rafe in our lives. And now the girl is officially three and a half years old! Halfway to four! Craziness right? [[image:2012_yaya_42months_01.jpg:Our beautiful […]

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Two Covers, One Customer

Two cover artwork were commissioned by Ebb & Folks for their Iqliptiq Books science fiction imprint. The first is for a prequel and the other a sequel. [[image:ebb-n-folks-rhittach-cover.jpg:Two Blades, One Customer:center:0]] Rhittach: The Beginning This short story tells the rise of Rhittach, the Payan warrior featured in the novel The […]

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While Becky was here…

As you know, Vin’s cousin Becky and her family were here for Rafe’s birth. Everyone arrived the day before Rafe was born, and everyone except Becky and Aunt Mary (Becky’s 98-year-old grandmother) left the day after he was born. Becky (and Aunt Mary) stayed to help us out for the […]

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The Bilirubin Files

As mentioned in the previous entry, Adik was going to experience some complications in his young life. On Saturday January 7, we took him to see the doctor because his left eye was gunking up despite our best efforts. His usual pediatrician was unavailable given that it was a Saturday […]

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Rafe’s 1 week birthday

Here’s an excuse for gratuitous baby pictures, Rafe’s 1 week birthday! I’ve included pictures of the boy taken over the past week, including some professionally taken ones that we purchased. 🙂 [[image:2012-0105-rafe01.jpg:Sleeping in his cot at the hospital:center:0]] Note: Mouse over pictures for captions Let’s start with the professionally taken […]

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He wears a red cap

D6 Magazine: Two Monsters

Two final images commissioned for the latest D6 Magazine issue featured two entries below are the Redcap and the Springheeled Jack and lots of spilled blood. Springheeled Jack Download the zine from DrivethruRPG to read about them, complete with OpenD6 stats!

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D6 Magazine #3 cover

D6 Magazine Issue 3: An Interview

D6 Magazine – the online fanzine for Open D6 role-playing game material – has released issue #3! The horror issue has a variety of articles and scenarios, including vampires, a hell hound, a redcap goblin and Spring-heeled Jack. There’s also a simple Sanity System for running D6 horror adventures. The […]

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41 Months

Another impossibly quick month has passed. Don’t ask me where the time went. Despite my best efforts, this entry is quite late and (guiltily) backdated. My excuse: work. I had a lot to accomplish before handing off for maternity which meant that I had to work through the Christmas holidays […]

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Book Review: The Cowboys of Cthulhu

[[image:cover-cowboys-of-cthulhu.jpg:A Deadlands adventure right there…:right:0]]  David Bain’s The Cowboys of Cthulhu was the first novelette I bought and read on the Calibre ebook reader. It’s a great mashup of weird western and the Cthulhu mythos. Weird West is a genre of western, where its tales of cowboys and injuns and […]

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Calibre Ebook Reader

I have discovered and installed the free ebook reader and management application named Calibre to read books and stuff! Apart from reading ebooks, Calibre can also manage your digital book library, search for ebooks in various locations from the Amazon Kindle store to Feedbooks.com and synchonize with a mobile reader […]

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