Allie’s 17 Month Birthday

Last Tuesday, December 22nd, Allie was 17 months old! Unfortunately, the poor little girl was recovering from strep and possibly the flu. You can see how uncharacteristically unenergetic she is here: [[image:allie453a.jpg:Poor sick baby:center:0]] She had been fever free for a day, but was still weak and listless. She was […]

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Allie’s 16 Month Birthday

So last Sunday, Allie was 16 months old! She’s one and 1/3 years old. It seems like just yesterday she was just a tiny little thing and now she’s running around, starting to talk, and becoming a real person! [[image:allie450a.jpg:Hello! Like my barrette?:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for added […]

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Trick or Treat!

[[image:allie423a.jpg:Buzzy Bee Baby:center:0]]  So last year, Allie was semi-kitted out for Halloween, but did not go trick or treating. Last night, the girl got dressed up and ran around outside the house, but we did not actually go trick or treating again. We stayed to hand out candy to a […]

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Allie’s 15 Month Birthday

Dadgummit! Time, wings, and all that. Can you believe Allie is now 15 months old? And this time I didn’t wait weeks before doing her 15-month blog entry. Heh. [[image:allie395a.jpg:Cool cupcake:center:0]]  * Mouse over the pictures for additional captions Allie is fast growing and rapidly developing. New skills are emerging […]

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Sixty Symbols

From the Sixty Symbols Introduction page: Ever been confused by all the letters and squiggles used by scientists? Hopefully this site will unravel some of those mysteries. Sixty Symbols is a collection of videos about physics and astronomy presented by experts from The University of Nottingham. They aren’t lessons or […]

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Allie’s 14 Month Birthday

I know – I am delinquent. It’s been over two weeks since Allie’s 14 month birthday and I am only finally putting together this entry. I’m terrible. I blame it on a) going back to work full time, and b) doing some travel for work. That just takes a lot […]

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Comeli with Irfan

Irfan’s Fighting Fish

Our recent foray back to Kelantan during Aidilfitri rewarded Irfan with a new responsibility. A Siamese fighting fish, given to him by his Tok Cik Mi. I told him don’t, because the car is not really equipped to physically hold a live fish travelling eight hours at night, rocking and […]

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Shudde M’ell Loves You

As Ain and I was walking on the beach on Lumut, we spotted this little creature on the sand. It had been deposited at the high tide mark, and it was presently low tide. Since the sun was about to climb into its maximum scorching position, I balanced the little […]

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Khairul the Rodian

Khairul The Rodian Carbineer

I’m finally a Rodian. Not really. But props to Asok Yeesrim the Gran, another Agent of SWAG, for illustrating a Rodian carbineer by the name of Khairul. Khairul was named in honour of myself. The artwork looks badass, with fantastic costume and prop design. Also of note is the Rodian’s […]

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Where's the Ojoster Sector?

Ubuntu Miscellanea

Three things come to mind. Flash Problems I’ve been having some problems with browser-embedded flash files. Those of you who notice my reluctance to click on Youtube links during chat will be pleased to know that I’ve gotten Youtube working on this browser, as well as the new Photobucket user […]

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