Musings on The Chicken

It’s been months now since we last saw the chicken. I wonder whatever happened to it? Aside from having made it into the blog, and becoming one of the entry header pictures, did it also end up being somebody’s lovely free range roasted chicken dinner? Did it get repatriated to […]

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Happy Halloween!

Although today is Halloween, for some reason, our town decided to do Beggars Night last night. So we filled our candy bowl and awaited the trick or treaters. Of which there were three! Batman, Barbie, and I believe, some kind of Harry Potter (I was a little distracted when handing […]

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Where Do These T-888 Infiltrators Go To Eat?

These different models of Tee-Triple Eight infiltrators below: they’re a different series of endoskeletons from the T-800 and the T-850 (model 101) from the Terminator movies.  [[image:t-888_01.jpg:Bunch of Metals:center:0]] I might have found the exact place where they all go to eat out. [[image:t-888_02.jpg::center:0]]  … which is right around the […]

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Fully-faired Y-wing

Figuring Out the Y-wing

The third episode of The Clone Wars animated series prominently features the Y-wing fighter defending the Kaliida Shoals Med-Centre. Specifically the Koensayr BTL-B Y-wing fighter, in its intended role as a fighter/bomber. The BTL-B looks much different from the single-seater BTL-A4 variant we saw in the movies. The most distinct […]

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Allie’s 3 Month Birthday

Yesterday, Allie passed her first quarter-year mark. She turned three months old! Wheeeee! Of course this means pictures! 🙂 [[image:allie83a.jpg:Musing on Daddy’s shoulder:center:0]] You know the drill – there will be baby pictures aplenty to follow. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 🙂 * Mouse over the pictures for captions […]

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Someone Played With Scissors

So some kid, who lives in this house, who goes to kindergarten found some scissors at school. Then he decided he’d do a little experimenting with the scissors. On his hair. Below is the result of said experiment, which left parents of said kid shaking their heads. [[image:irfan-hair01.jpg::center:0]] This of […]

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Hishgraphics H

Classic Conversation

When Shane and I start chatting, we mostly chat geeky. But sometimes it goes way up to epic. It’s about time I blogged about my usual chats with Shane This didn’t really escalate to epic level, but it’s a taste of how our conversations usually go: Hisham: Hey… what would […]

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Bridge Crew of the NCC-1701

….”No bloody -A, -B, -C or -D.” Paramount has been releasing a number of images from the new Star Trek movie, directed by J.J. Abrams the past 24 hours or so. The shooting of the movie has been kept top secret that production photos from it has been scant. This […]

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I can't believe these two have know each other for almost 10 years

A Time of Reunion 2: The Sequel

Last year, we had a gathering up here at the Tenth Floor. This year we found some time to coordinate another, but this time it was after Aidilfitri. So it doubled as an Aidilfitri open house, although theoretically it was not. Starting from 1900 hours the roster started to fill, […]

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Stripped to its core

Manjung District Scout House

Being in the 1st Troop Manjung of the Scouts was great. Some memorable experiences while there. A bunch of us sometimes went down to the district Scout House on Fridays to see if one of the other schools had a camping excursion there. Then we’d sign up to be the […]

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Selamat Hari Raya from Ohio

Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin from all of us in Ohio. We wish we could have been in Malaysia for the holiday, but we will have rendang and stuff here too (eventually when I get my act together). Lily did not show up for the picture taking session, and […]

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Eid Mubarak From Ipoh

[[image:aidilfitri-ipoh.jpg:Greetings from Rapat Setia Baru:center:0]] It’s been already 30 days into Ramadhan and beyond? It’s already Eid-ul-Fitr? How time flies. Greetings from Irfan’s Opah Cu’s home in Ipoh from our family to all three* of you regularly reading this blog. *This number might or might not fluctuate according to the […]

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Allie’s 2 Month Birthday

We can’t hardly believe it, but time has flown and last Monday, Allie was 2 months old! Here’s what she did on her 2 month birthday: * Mouse over pictures for captions She started the morning strolling around with her Daddy and Lily took a ride too. Mak got to […]

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