All This Has Happened Before

[[image:bsgs4_00.jpg:Bill and Saul:left:0]]This is it. This is the home stretch. For the humans on the brink of extinction and traveling across the stars looking for a new home in Battlestar Galactica, the end is near. As viewers, we have arrived at the fourth and final season’s mid-season break. 10 more […]

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Thirty Four Weeks

OK, I know I usually do an update on the belly progress every four weeks, but now in the last few weeks of the third trimester, it seems like it’s growing exponentially. I think my belly is growing on a daily basis! Check it out! [[image:34week1.jpg:Lookit how big I am!:center:0]] […]

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Zarin and Lily

In case anyone was wondering how Lily took to having Zarin around for a few days, she was totally comfortable with him. (These are pictures that Zarin took – guna sikit ya, Zarin?). First night, already that kitkat made herself comfortable right in the middle of Zarin’s bed: [[image:lily19.jpg:Right in […]

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And I say it again…WTF?? This creature has been wandering the backyards of our neighborhood in the last few weeks. Where did it come from? Why is it here? Why hasn’t it been caught and made into dinner????? It’s pooping on our driveway, big old tahi ayam crap! Whose up […]

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Zarin’s Visit

So Zarin (atukku!) spent a few days with us (May 16-22) during which time, I regret to say that even though I brought my camera everywhere, I didn’t take as many pictures as I should have. Too busy chatting and hanging out and eating. What to do? I haven’t had […]

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Thirty Two Weeks

Time seems to be flying on by! We are now at 32 weeks, as of this past Monday. 80% of the way there now! Feeling big and getting bigger… [[image:32week1.jpg:The traditional shot:center:0]] Here’s a different angle of me, where you can really see that the belly is getting rather large… […]

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Some Good Saucer Men News

[[image:indy00.jpg:Take that, commie reviewer bastards!:left:0]]This summer will see a whole lot of nerd rage with wave after wave of nerds complaining to the tune of George Lucas screwed the pooch with the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Why? Because, yet to be released are The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy II: The Golden […]

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As per last year, everyone's a winner; no one's a loser

Irfan’s Second Sports Day

Last Friday, Irfan had his second ever sports event at his kindergarten during this years’ Teachers’ Day. This time, Atok and Opah Irfan was also present for the proceedings. Last year it wasn’t so apparent, but this year it was so obvious that Irfan towered over everyone else, and the […]

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