As per last year, everyone's a winner; no one's a loser

Irfan’s Second Sports Day

Last Friday, Irfan had his second ever sports event at his kindergarten during this years’ Teachers’ Day. This time, Atok and Opah Irfan was also present for the proceedings. Last year it wasn’t so apparent, but this year it was so obvious that Irfan towered over everyone else, and the […]

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Aerocarnival 04

Aerocarnival 2008

As I spent three full days over the weekend (plus Friday) manning the booth at Aerocarnival 2008 which was held at UniKL-MIAT, Ain, Irfan, Cik Emma and Cik Su went about the fair outdoors, taking photos among the static displays. There were lots of kids looking for jobs in the […]

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Fabulous ‘Friday’ Five Meme

So Athena tagged us and since I’ve been so bad about blogging lately, I decided I would take it on! :-). Plus, conveniently, it IS Friday! So here goes: DO YOU PREFER… 1. To watch or participate?Participate, preferably. I hate sitting around while other people do stuff. 🙂 2. Malls, […]

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A Novel Tale of a Novel Cover

Once upon a time, I went to study on how to repair flying machines. During my dozens of years (not really, just 2 and a half years) of studying there were many instructors that taught me different aspects of flying machine repairs. Some taught me metalwork, some taught me electrics, […]

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A Strange Place To Lie Down and Rest

On the way back from the Sungai Merab area, where the PLUS highway intersects with the ELITE highway right by the exit to Universiti Putra Malaysia, the traffic slowed down considerably. This was strange because I’ve never experienced a traffic jam of this magnitude before at this particular location. Which […]

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Irfan Takes Atok’s Pictures

As told previously, Irfan likes to use the camera (that is wondrously chimaeraed into the phone by wizards) to take pictures of everything. Some weeks ago, we went to Sitiawan and lo and behold, there was a kenduri at the Seri Manjong stadium that was organized by the new state […]

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The old RPG gang

So what IS a Role-playing Game Anyway?

I have a Role-playing Games category right over there at the left sidebar on the front page of the site. I’m sure there’s a lot of visitors to this site that will probably shrug and say, “I dunno”, or half-heartedly answer, “Something like Dungeons and Dragons?” Well, Dungeons and Dragons […]

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The Gallery Is Upgraded

After a long time of uploading images and hard coding the html (and later php) files into the Hishgraphics Gallery, I’ve now deleted the old setup and replaced it with a proper Coppermine Gallery CMS. It took some time to get the hang of the system, but I think I […]

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