MacInnes and Cheese

Mac and Cheese

During our excursion back to Sitiawan the previous week, Opah gave us her oven for us to use as she has not used it for years. This was a godsent for us as Ain had always wanted an over and we could not afford one. So this was one of […]

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Balik kampung with car

Early Ramadhan in Perak

I drew the artwork above while in Sitiawan. It was the start of the second week of Ramadhan when we all drove to Perak for a long weekend to buka puasa with Irfan’s grandparents. Also, there was some business to be had in Ipoh with Wan Cu and family facilitating […]

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Amani as Byt, Faeezah as Koogik, Nailah as Malea, Adha as Merick, Saiful as Vonnick, Ridzuan as Salporin

Force and Destiny: Jungle in the Sky

I was finally able to run another role-playing game session for my students for an English Language speaking exercise, the first for this semester. Probably no other games will be run because it is already quite late in the semester for other sessions. Students will be concentrating on their finals. […]

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Where everybeing knows your name

FrontierSpace Chapter Pages

Besides robots, I have also submitted some chapter pages to DwD Studios for FrontierSpace. I feel bad for the slow output though. The semester is almost over, so things might go faster after. The role-playing game is currently being playtested. Watch this space for the release of FrontierSpace from DwD […]

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I don't belieeeve it

One Foot In The Shoe – Not The Other

The human body is an amazing self-repairing machine. It consumes resources around it like oxygen, water and nutrients (usually shoved into pie hole) and allows me to ride this meatsack like John Cusack on John Malkovich. However, entropy has begun overtaking this unlikely biological Rube Goldberg device I wear. The […]

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They need an intro theme

Patreon: City Detectives

We return to the modern age with a new batch of tabletop RPG paper miniatures: law enforcement agents! Usable with any investigative or espionage settings, like Delta Green or The Laundry to Dark Conspiracy or Unknown Armies. Maybe even Kult. There are no tiers for this release of paperminis. Neither […]

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Lok Ching AND Laksa

Comes A Nia Nia

Rania and family came back to visit us from Kuala Lumpur during the long weekend. We picked up Ayah Cik Farid and Cikma from the airport and had dinner with them at Kepala Batas. Nia Nia was asleep when she arrived, but woke up just in time for a meal. […]

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Everyone's a dragon

Tabletop Games Expo at UniMAP

After almost two years in Perlis, there arose an opportunity to host a tabletop game exhibition here at the university. Gray, a gamer I knew and interacted with online back in Kuala Lumpur, planned a KakiTabletop Northern Tour. This tour would take his team and himself from KL to Taiping […]

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