New laptop

Local Freelancing is a Pain

When I started out freelancing – illustration freelancing – I had a mix of local and foreign customers. It would not be long before I decided to drop all local customers except one. Local businesses, it seems to me, disregard freelancing work as non-serious work. One works at home at […]

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The Star Wars Sourcebook

Bahasa Melayu X-Wing Connection

In West End Games’ The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987) written by Bill Slavicsek there is a four-page technical write-up on the X-wing fighter. The text is an order of magnitude more detailed than any other write-up on the Incom T-65 X-wing ever written and filled with an abundance of elements […]

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A Vespa by Putrajaya artists

Kangar Street Art Photos

I was busy all through to the end of 2016 that I was oblivious to stuff happening in Kangar. For example, I recently discovered an alley near the centre of town which had been adorned by colourful street art apparently painted by schoolchildren from all over Malaysia. I thought I […]

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Six designs

Patreon: Intrepid Mechanoids

Here is the 14th batch of RPG paper miniatures I created and released at my Patreon page. Call them mechanoids, drones, droids, bots, synths… they are useable for any science fiction RPG campaigns with droids. There are mechs than walk, waddle, roll and climb which can be used as player […]

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Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak!

A Vacation of Some Sort

And So It Begins The vacation began when Ivan came a-visiting from Petaling Jaya via the ERL. I picked him up at the Arau station and he gave me an early birthday present: the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, which will eventually be its own blog post. Because of work, […]

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Uplifts on Mars

Patreon: The Uplifts of Space

Returning to the themes of transhumanism for the Hishgraphics paper miniature releases on Patreon, here are some uplifted animals to be used in your campaign. There are two designs each of crow uplifts, octopus uplifts and chimp uplifts perfect for your science fiction campaign. Genetic modifications in the future allow […]

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Carrie Fisher

Postcards Beyond The Edge

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it, and eventually the confidence will follow.” – Carrie Fisher Carrie Fisher died earlier today. She was 60. I did not think it would, but it did hit me […]

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The final battle

EOTE: Problem Child

Edge of the Empire: Problem Child Dramatis Personae: Amri as Grabow, male Wookiee doctor Ijam as Matwe, male human smuggler pilot Fazrie as Lumpy, male Wookiee mercenary soldier Just as it was more than 20 years ago in Sitiawan when a bunch of unfamiliar people asked if I could run […]

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Still zzzz

A Hometown of Sorts

…Sitiawan! We drove from Pasir Mas to where I grew up and where nothing now looks familiar, except for the old house. Because I was not able to go to Kuala Lumpur for vacation earlier, I figured we should visit Atok and Opah in Sitiawan during Maulud Nabi. Of course […]

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The entire party

A Send Off to Mekah

For the first time ever, Tok Bah and Tok Ma in Pasir Mas got the opportunity to go on an Umrah pilgrimage in Mecca. We drove to Kelantan to see them off. En route, we got to see a herd of elephants, pale and monolithic, at about three a.m. along […]

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His new hoodie

Ain and Irfan Go To KL

It came to pass that Ain and Irfan went for vacation back in KL but I was not able to join them because of work. A side effect of given a new position at work after one has planned one’s year end vacation and bought travel tickets. So while I […]

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These guys are woodsmen and warriors

Patreon: Human Adventurers

I have uploaded a pair of new paper miniature releases for Patreon, but forgot to announce it here. So here are the two sets of freely downloadable PDFs usable as player characters (PC) or non-player characters (NPC) in any medieval fantasy roleplaying game campaigns. Rangers of Sword Valley Sword Valley […]

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