The Descended's headquarters Evoculous Hom

Interior Art for Reign of the Descended

In the previous blog entry I posted the cover art I made for Heroic Journey Publishing’s Mecha RPG: Reign of the Descended! Currently available on DriveThruRPG, Reign of the Descended is a setting book for Chris Perrin’s Mecha role-playing game. Long story short, it’s a pastiche of Genesis Climber MOSPEADA and/or Robotech: Invid Invasion. […]

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Even the aliens have powered armour

Cover for Mecha RPG: Reign of the Descended

Heroic Journey Publishing’s Mecha RPG: Reign of the Descended has been released on DriveThruRPG. It’s a setting book for Chris Perrin’s Mecha role-playing game where players live in an apocalyptic aftermath of an alien invasion. The human resistance fighters are underpowered and badly armed, but with the power armour in their possession, the […]

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The Zaku represents... something or other

EOTE: The Prince In Carbonite

Modesty Blazing 05 The Prince In Carbonite  *** Previously, on Star Wars: Modesty Blazing… After disposing of the twisted IG-series assassin droid that took over the Imperial Biomedical Base on the icy world of Khov and freeing the captured prisoners at Smallberries Skystation on Hypori, the Modesty Blaze returned to the deserted […]

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My security blanket

25 Years Running Star Wars RPG

It was April 1989 when I received West End Game’s Star Wars The Roleplaying Game and the Star Wars Sourcebook, two years after it was officially released. I have been running and playing various systems of the game for twenty-five years to the month. I can’t remember the exact date […]

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The figs belong to the Trianii

EOTE: Droid-like Typing Detected

Modesty Blazing 04 Droid-like Typing Detected *** The Zeltron pilot Darter Kel had been detained for questioning by the authorities of Smallberries Skystation on Hypori. After all he was the one who dealt with and was up close with the former Captain Razi Sunmote. The errant Captain Sunmote used a droid caller […]

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Battle with droids

EOTE: Skyfall

Modesty Blazing 03 Skyfall *** Note: This GOKL campaign follows the Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beginners Game that started with GOKL Escapes Mos Shuuta and continued with GOKL Escapes The Insurmountable Ned. Now that the former Krayt Fang has been renamed Modesty Blaze (after a short stint as Babymetal before retcon renaming) after its major refitting on Rodia, the […]

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More aliens out in the fringe

Paper Minis: Asok’s Fringers Part 2

Here is a second set of paper minis created from Ryan “Asok Yeesrim” Rhodes’s illustrations used with his permission. Check out larger versions of the artwork at his gallery linked from his name. The first batch of Ryan-drawn minis can be found here. Here’s our first non-canonical alien species created by Ryan, named […]

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Maybe Cindy Bear can pilot this mecha

Mister Beargguy III

Here’s my first ever fan art from the Mobile Suit Gundam multiverse. It’s not a Gundam. It’s not a Zaku. It’s KUMA-03 Mr. Beargguy III from Gundam Build Fighters, the mobile suit Gunpla built and piloted by China Kousaka. Because Mr. Beargguy rocks.

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Some Imperial officer using the droids for his escort

Paper Minis: Floating Droids

Here are three types of floating droids as paper miniatures for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. You’ve seen the Marksman-H training remote before in Star Wars, where Luke trained with one on the Millennium Falcom. There’s also the Mark IV sentry droid that helped the sandtroopers in Mos […]

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Sasha and two Quarrens meet some droids

Paper Minis: Elite Battle Droids

We return to the droid army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specifically the BX commando droids and the Droideka destroyer droids; six each. These should be fearsome enough mechanical obstacles for your players. You could use these paper miniatures in a Clone Wars campaign for the Star Wars roleplaying […]

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What's that Eliminator 434 doing behind them

Paper Minis: Specialised Stormtroopers

More Imperial paper miniatures for Star Wars RPG! Imperial Radiation Zone Assault Troopers a.k.a. “Radtroopers” are a specially trained and geared subgroup in the Stormtrooper Corps that fight in highly radioactive environments. Use them when the player characters are in “hot” zones. Crashed. Rescue operations. These troops can be the […]

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