Can she already play with Lego?

Irfan Meets Cousin Zara

Zara Arissa, sister of Aiman, arrived 12 days before 2013 did, so we took a trip to visit the young one at Pasir Mas. Unlike her brother we couldn’t be there to greet her at the hospital because of distance. When we arrived, she was sleeping soundly and safely swaddled. […]

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Sol behind the clouds

Another Day Another Sunset

All of a sudden another year ends. I can’t believe we’ve lived here for more than a decade now. I can tell you how the skyline has changed over the years; and where on the landscape we were once able to make out traffic on the MRR2 highway. Through the […]

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A fun guy from Yuggoth

A Mi-Go from a Dream

Many months ago, I had a nightmare. Well, it’s not as much as a nightmare as it is weird things happening in my dream in which I should be creeped out but I don’t. I haven’t had a proper nightmare from which I wake up feeling scared for a very […]

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There is a Lambda-class shuttle named Tarrasque in my Star Wars campaign, for reals

Midget Tarrasque

Tarrasques are the most lethal creatures without a destructive breath weapon in the Dungeons and Dragons mythology. You don’t need a lot, just one will do in any RPG campaign if you need a continent or two levelled. This is either a very young tarrasque from the planet Falx (if […]

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Back in secondary school, for some reason that I can’t recall anymore we suddenly had this bat as our mascot so to speak. Its name, Wotsit the Confused Bat, also popped up unbidden. It was easy to doodle and we doodled it here and there and everywhere. There was an […]

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The LSV Phrygia enters the Grey Downs

Across The Stars

A follow up post from the earlier D’Kathi alien concept design, here are the final artwork commissioned by Christopher Mennell for his Across The Stars science fiction game setting. While it starts out looking and feeling Star Trek with a lot of analogous signature elements, it diverges in many ways […]

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Painted by Eric Quigley

D’Kathi Concept Design

Christopher Mennell’s Across The Stars commission is presently being worked on. Here’s a delightful surprise that occurred over email / Google+ discussions of the project. One of the aliens I have to create an initial form for is the D’Kathi. The image below is my first sketch of the alien’s […]

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Jogging at a Park

I have no idea why they named this park Taman Pudu Ulu when Pudu proper is some leagues in that direction. Anything so close to Jalan Loke Yew should not be known as “Ulu”. The Deepavali morning was cool and sunny, perfect for a run. The park has multi-jogging tracks […]

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He's a halfling

BareBones Fantasy: The First Quest

The night before we headed home to Kuala Lumpur from Pasir Mas, Irfan and I decided to try out the BareBones Fantasy RPG. BareBones Fantasy (BBF) is a simple – but intrinsically complete and very customisable – role-playing game engine that allows gamemasters and players to run adventures in the […]

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Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter

Aidiladha 2012 In Pasir Mas

This year for Aidiladha, we travelled to Pasir Mas for the holidays. However, instead of driving with our own car, we hitched a ride with Irfan’s aunt Cik Emma’s. We left home at 5am. Despite that, it took us 14 hours to reach Pasir Mas via the Gua Musang route. […]

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D6 Stats of a Star Wars Hat

From Season 2, Episode 17: “Bounty Hunters” of Star Wars: The Clone Wars comes Embo the Bounty Hunter, a male Kyuzo. His signature gear is his wide-brimmed, armoured hat, which he’s able to use as a shield when turned into incoming blaster bolts. Also, he is able to throw the […]

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BareBones Experiment Artwork

DWD Studios came up with a great project suggestion. Somewhat like Wicked North Games’ Azamar: The Paradise Fragment project, I was to create a cover and six interior black and white artwork, which the game developers will create a adventure around them. The adventure will be a supplement to their […]

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