Issue 89

TeeKay-421 Cover Art

Yesterday, TeeKay-421 the official Belgian Star Wars fan club magazine revealed their cover for their upcoming issue 89. The cover was illustrated by me. Check it out below: The theme was Mandalorians. I could draw a number of famous Mandalorians played by Ray Stevenson or Jon Favreau or Katee Sackoff […]

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Verkle Artwork

And then it came to pass a couple of weeks back that a number of Star Wars Twitterfolk began talking about an animal. Specifically, the carcass of the creature that was the bait which drew Chewbacca and resulted in him, Luke, Han, Threepio and Artoo being captured in an Ewok […]

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The Botanical Garden Expedition

We had to balik kampung this Aidiladha holidays. The kampung we returned to was neither Ain’s nor mine. It was Irfan’s.

On Saturday, after my Research Method class and my colleague Anis’ sister’s wedding, we drove from Perlis all the way to Nia’s house. Nia was happy that we came. We also met Aiman, Zara and family there.

The plan was that the next day, Sunday, we would all rendezvous at the Botanical Gardens at Shah Alam. Ain and I have not been there since before we were married. This was the children’s first time visiting it.

There were flowers. There was a rope bridge. There was archery. There was even a troupe of monkeys.

Irfan and his cousins entered the bunny farm where Nia became superlatively elated. According to Irfan, she even fearlessly fed a large goat by hand. There were no photos of the goat, but we do have other photos.

I posted on Twitter videos of Irfan shooting arrows at orcs a bullseye:

We were having lots of fun and it was only the second day in the Klang Valley.

Hishgraphics H

Multicultural Night

With Ain away at Pasir Mas to take care of some things there, it was just Irfan and I at home for the weekend. After spending most of the weekend binging on The Terror, an excellent show by the way, we would have nothing else to do until the weekday […]

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Flame-rumped kido

The Kido Watcher’s Guide to Bavva

Dice For Brains is an amazing Star Wars RPG actual play podcast, gamemastered by Ross Rockafellow using Fantasy Flight Games’ Force and Destiny rules. What makes the podcast stand out from other actual play podcasts is threefold: it is recorded well, crisp and clear voices of the players with hardly any […]

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Screen capture

The Star Wars Show Fan Art

The Star Wars Show crew asked for some fan art of the Star Wars Show from the Twittersphere, so being a Twitterspheroid (or a spheroid of some sort) I thought I would oblige them. So here we have Andi Gutierrez in an Imperial gunner costume, Anthony Carboni in some smuggler’s […]

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Porg Greyhelm

Rebel SpecPorg

Sketch Wars on Twitter had a porg theme over the week, so I thought I’d chip in with a porg wearing Rebel SpecForce outfit for some reason or other. Well, I thought it was hilarious. Here are some of the other participants’ pictures: Part 1 of this week’s #sketchwarsdrawingclub – […]

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Hishgraphics H

Worn Joints Are Worn

It started as a sore right toe, specifically its joints. Right toe in great pain. What do I do about the pain? — Khairul Hisham (@hishgraphics) April 27, 2016 So I went to the doctor. After some questions, the doctor said, “WELCOME TO THE CLUB!” The doctor has the gout. […]

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