Westward cover and dice

Westward Comp Copy!

A package arrived the other day… … from Brett Pisinski of Wicked North Games. It be the complimentary copy of Westward RPG! Westward is a game of steampunk western game setting  on an human-colonized extrasolar planet after the colony ship Chrysalis drifted for decades and came to rest here. Using […]

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Westward cover

Westward is Released!

Westward, the role-playing game from Wicked North Games whose development I have been involved with in this past year, has finally been released. Westward is a game of steampunk wild west set on an human-colonized extrasolar planet. Players and gamemasters of this game play and create adventures around humans whose […]

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Sneak Attack blackenwhite

Westward Art: Sneak Attack

Recently, I was assigned to draw a vertical “sneak attack” scene for Wicked North Games’ upcoming Westward RPG. The scene involved a dark-clad assassin about to attack a nervous looking gentleman in the city streets at night. The final artwork is displayed above. Below are some process artwork for the […]

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Brawling - finished

Westward RPG: Brawling

I sometimes use MyPaint, an open source painting program to create my work. It has less features than GIMP, but I love how the brush paint digitally as I move the Wacom tablet stylus. This is how I painted the “Brawling” artwork for Wicked North Games upcoming Westward RPG that […]

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Westward Scenes

Here are some scenes I drew as filler are in the Characters, Attributes and Skills section of the Westward RPG by Wicked North Games. These scenes, also drawn by Alexander Gustafson, Ryan Rhodes and Cory DeVore, gives players an idea of what your players can be doing on the steampunk […]

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This city pumps out and distributes a lot of water

Westward Locations Artwork 2

This is the second of two blog posts featuring location artwork of cities and prefectures on the planet Westward, where human colonists have been marooned for centuries with only an exotic steam-powered technology to run their machines. Over the years, new politics, allegiances and social dynamics have driven the inhabitants […]

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An old mining prefecture

Westward Locations Artwork 1

More Westward RPG artwork were commissioned by Wicked North Games, and for this batch they have ordered location artwork of various cities and prefectures on Westward. Here is the first of two posts of the locations on the (mostly) dry and arid planet of Westward!   What adventures can players […]

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Westward RPG Creature Wallpaper

And here is the latest batch of creatures that inhabit not just the deserts, but the lesser illustrated jungle and tundra of Westward… presented in the form of a 1280px by 800px wallpaper! Tentative names from left to right: Ice Fish, Entracter Crab Spider, Death Ogler, Snow Globber. Watch for […]

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Westward RPG Critters – Part 3

This series of creatures I drew for Westward RPG from Wicked North Games is special. I was tasked with proposing and designing these beasts from scratch. Once approved by Wicked North, I started illustrating them with ink and water colours! Of course, the names might be changed by the writers […]

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Westward RPG Critters – Part 1

Wicked North Games, who produced the Azamar role-playing game, using the Cinema6 engine, based on the classic West End Games’ Open D6 system, will be producing a new RPG. The game is entitled Westward and employes a steampunk western setting on another planet in the far future. I have been […]

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Rust Polyp and Gasbagger Zombie

Westward RPG – Creature Sketches

Wicked North Game has been busy developing a new role-playing game using their Cinema 6 variant of the Open D6 system, entitled Westward. I have been given the task to visually design some creatures for Westward, based on descriptions and stats by Peter Schweighofer. Here are initial designs that were […]

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