This is a horror scenario really


The Imperial Talker (Updated: 22nd Jan 2020 – Twitter account no longer exists) tweeted about a dream he had involving popcorn. I chimed in and… things escalated. Who knows, maybe we will discover in December that this IS an actual scene with Chewbacca and the porgs in Star Wars The Last […]

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Dua seringgit

Symposium Gift Artwork

At the language symposium last week, besides the two assignments I wrote about I also had a third task: Which was to sketch some artwork to be printed and presented as gifts to the special guests of the event. The common theme for each drawing was Perlis. I drew them […]

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Porg Greyhelm

Rebel SpecPorg

Sketch Wars on Twitter had a porg theme over the week, so I thought I’d chip in with a porg wearing Rebel SpecForce outfit for some reason or other. Well, I thought it was hilarious. Here are some of the other participants’ pictures: Part 1 of this week’s #sketchwarsdrawingclub – […]

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Cannibal Halfling Gaming

Cannibal Halfling Logo Commission

Two years ago ago, I did a unit logo patch for Seamus Conneely’s Star Wars RPG campaign. Seamus recently contacted me again to commission a logo for his website Cannibal Halfling Gaming. The site features reviews, essays and adventure logs of many tabletop roleplaying games. Click on the halfling below […]

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Balik kampung with car

Early Ramadhan in Perak

I drew the artwork above while in Sitiawan. It was the start of the second week of Ramadhan when we all drove to Perak for a long weekend to buka puasa with Irfan’s grandparents. Also, there was some business to be had in Ipoh with Wan Cu and family facilitating […]

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Where everybeing knows your name

FrontierSpace Chapter Pages

Besides robots, I have also submitted some chapter pages to DwD Studios for FrontierSpace. I feel bad for the slow output though. The semester is almost over, so things might go faster after. The role-playing game is currently being playtested. Watch this space for the release of FrontierSpace from DwD […]

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A Vespa by Putrajaya artists

Kangar Street Art Photos

I was busy all through to the end of 2016 that I was oblivious to stuff happening in Kangar. For example, I recently discovered an alley near the centre of town which had been adorned by colourful street art apparently painted by schoolchildren from all over Malaysia. I thought I […]

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Sorry Mama

Yaya Creates Art

It is a wonder to see my niece’s Alya’s artistic skills develop, receiving updates from my sister. She is not only becoming quite the artist, but her skills in digital art using rudimentary art tools are now very impressive for her age! Here are a couple of drawings Alya made […]

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Raniq Arae

Raniq Arae – Jedi Pilot

Erik Jensen commissioned a drawing of his wife – who is a huge Star Wars fan – as a purple lightsabre swinging Jedi who also happens to be an X-wing fighter pilot. Also included is the astromech droid designated BB-2. This is one of the rare instances where I draw […]

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