Final artwork

Painting Exercise

Irfan asked me for some training in watercolours and poster colours. He had already pencilled the artwork in school and he wanted to see me paint it with poster colours. I showed him how to block the colours and he tried it out himself, starting with the sky. Then, I […]

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Issue 89 is here

TeeKay-421 Comp Copy

Today I received a pair of complementary copies of a magazine. Issue 89 of Teekay-421, the official Belgian Star Wars fan club magazine, sports my cover art of Sabine Wren rolling some dice in front of a faux-Edge of the Empire gamemaster screen! The magazine itself is fully printed in […]

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Cyndril caterpillar

ART: Cyndril Critters

Here’s another round of artwork commissioned for The Secret DM, who is developing the setting known as Cyndril. Here follows two creatures from the milieux: a skywhale, with a bunch of whalers hanging on to it for dear life, as the the whale flies through a crimson storm; and a […]

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Issue 89

TeeKay-421 Cover Art

Yesterday, TeeKay-421 the official Belgian Star Wars fan club magazine revealed their cover for their upcoming issue 89. The cover was illustrated by me. Check it out below: The theme was Mandalorians. I could draw a number of famous Mandalorians played by Ray Stevenson or Jon Favreau or Katee Sackoff […]

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Robot Cavemen

After the first two covers I made for Patrick F. Murphy, here’s the third cover in his series of young adult adventure books, the Return of the Undead Cavemen! It’s the same character from the first two books. The art order called for three Neanderthals carrying three children into the […]

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Bear skull in ice

ART: Bonespur Glacier

Back in 2014, I made these artwork for a charity project in the tabletop RPG community: Double Feature Charity Module: Erik Jensen’s Bonespur Glacier and Jason Paul McCartan’s The Tomb of Bashyr. It was published by InfiniBadger Press.The two adventures in the book was designed to be used with OSRIC […]

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Aliens Without Number

I met the acquaintance of one Nik May in my time on Google Plus. Recently he commissioned me to draw three alien species for his Stars Without Number role-playing game campaign. Here are the three creatures for your viewing pleasure, made with Krita and cleaned up in GIMP:

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Corellian Starline

Corellian Starline

It has been a while since my last Star Wars artwork. In fact my illustration output for 2018 was pretty abysmal. Last month, James Spahn requested an art commission from me. The colour sketch would be of the player characters of his Edge of the Empire RPG group, known as […]

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Verkle Artwork

And then it came to pass a couple of weeks back that a number of Star Wars Twitterfolk began talking about an animal. Specifically, the carcass of the creature that was the bait which drew Chewbacca and resulted in him, Luke, Han, Threepio and Artoo being captured in an Ewok […]

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There goes the ship

Cover Art: Dark Side of Loridian

I recently made the cover art for DwD Studios’ upcoming adventure module for their science fiction roleplaying game FrontierSpace entitled Dark Side of Loridian. It looks a little bit like this: I am also tasked with drawing several interior artwork which I will post here after the product has been released.

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Flame-rumped kido

The Kido Watcher’s Guide to Bavva

Dice For Brains is an amazing Star Wars RPG actual play podcast, gamemastered by Ross Rockafellow using Fantasy Flight Games’ Force and Destiny rules. What makes the podcast stand out from other actual play podcasts is threefold: it is recorded well, crisp and clear voices of the players with hardly any […]

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Screen capture

The Star Wars Show Fan Art

The Star Wars Show crew asked for some fan art of the Star Wars Show from the Twittersphere, so being a Twitterspheroid (or a spheroid of some sort) I thought I would oblige them. So here we have Andi Gutierrez in an Imperial gunner costume, Anthony Carboni in some smuggler’s […]

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Porg Dameron

Porg Dameron

What if Poe Dameron was a porg? What if he still had his helmet and Glie-44 blaster pistol? What then? What then? I drew the above a couple of days ago, posted on Twitter and Facebook. It was even featured on Star Wars Reporter!

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