The Martian

It is also my graduation present from Ain, in lieu of flowers. A book, I thought, would not wilt after a couple of days. I spent the same number of days for flowers to wilt reading the whole book. It was very engaging. Also, the book did not wilt. Yay. […]

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There be a bragon! Perhaps there be also a bungeon

Ruthermore’s Fourth Cover

After creating the cover of David Leyman’s debut entry of his science fiction story Ruthermore Heidigens and the Fifth Planet, followed by the covers of two subsequent entries, Ruthermore Heidigens and the Voices and Ruthermore Heidigens and the Nights at the Round Table, now comes the cover I made for the upcoming fourth installment of […]

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And I first ran a session with Kwenn in Tatooine Manhunt back in 1989

Lords of Nal Hutta

One of the gifts given to me by Kai and the Gamers of KL crew on our trip back to Kuala Lumpur was Lords of Nal Hutta, the recently-released sourcebook for Hutts and Hutt Space for Star Wars Edge of the Empire roleplaying game by Fantasy Flight Games. Bonus: it […]

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A bunch of awesome digest-sized books!

A Package from DwD Studios

Copies of roleplaying game books arrived today from DwD Studios, sent by Bill Logan! As has been documented on the blog before, I’ve played BareBones Fantasy with Irfan the first time here, then during International TableTop Day here and finally here when he experienced his first player character (PC) death. […]

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Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook

After almost a month waiting, the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook from Fantasy Flight Games finally arrived. I went to the Pudu post office to pick it up right after a meeting elsewhere in Kuala Lumpur. The Edge of the Empire rulebook allowed us to play in fringe campaigns as […]

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Westward cover and dice

Westward Comp Copy!

A package arrived the other day… … from Brett Pisinski of Wicked North Games. It be the complimentary copy of Westward RPG! Westward is a game of steampunk western game setting  on an human-colonized extrasolar planet after the colony ship Chrysalis drifted for decades and came to rest here. Using […]

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Ruthergens Heidimore and the Nights at the Round Table

Ruthermore’s Second and Third Covers

After illustrating the cover of David Leyman’s first “Ruthermore Heidigens” science fiction novella, Ruthermore Heidigens and the Fifth Planet, here are two more cover artwork from two other stories in the series, Ruthermore Heidigens and the Voices and Ruthermore Heidigens and the Nights at the Round Table – the former of which I made over […]

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I wish there was one book for every Corellian light freighter like this

The Gifts of Star Wars Books

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopaedia Tsing visited with a gift: The Old Repubic Encyclopaedia, with material from the Star Wars MMO game set 3600 years before the movies and more than 300 years after the Knights of the Old Republic/Dark Lords of the Sith comic series. It’s a great […]

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Cover for Five’s The End

[[image:ebb-n-folks-5s-the-end-cover.jpg:Cover with the creature Three:center:0]] Here is another cover commissioned by Ebb and Folks. Five’s The End is a novella by David Leyman that completes the trilogy that begins with Three’s Company and continues with Four of a Kind (the second artwork in this post). The style of digital inks […]

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Irfan’s Transmogrifying Present

Irfan received a gift over the mail from Ryan Rhodes. There is a great sketch of Irfan with the octopus plushie at Wan Chor’s house in the inner cover! Here’s hoping Irfan will never stop dreaming. (Although he has been dreaming of zombie attacks these days…) It’s a Calvin and […]

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