Betty on Irfan

Betty Was Missing

A month ago, Betty went out for her daily roams and never came back. The neighbours reported not seeing her. She was gone all throughout Ramadhan. We live close to thick tropical-grade underbrush. One possibility is that she might have come afoul of local wildlife – and I don’t mean […]

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Team photo

What? A Nasyid?

Way, way out from the left field comes a blog post about nasyid. I was assigned to sing in the department’s nasyid group for an interdepartmental nasyid competition despite not having to sing in public since 1987. Here is a screen capture of a video of our singing, which is […]

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There goes the neighourhood...

Legendary Guardians

On our recent return to the city, the GOKL gang gifted upon us more fun stuff: the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion set for the Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building game. Since then, we never had the opportunity to break it out of the box to play it… until today. […]

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Finally TIme for a Breather and a Kitty

I have not been posting much because life in the last month or so has been very hectic. [[image:bettycat-arrives05.jpg:Betty loves Google+:center:0]]  First, I was commissioned to proofread a doctorate student’s thesis from a neighbouring university. The work has – to put it simply – given me the desire to take […]

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New laptop

New Gear From Atok and Opah

Although having accepted a new job, there are many problems that we have yet to overcome. One of the biggest perils to my final semester in my attempt to finally earn a Bachelor’s degree (even though I’m married) was that the old laptop, who was my companion through adventure and […]

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Lubuk Tapah flood

Flood in Pasir Mas

The country was struck by extraordinary flooding last month and many states were affected. There was even flooding a few kilometres from our new place here in Perlis. But nowhere is harder hit than in Kelantan. Here’s the house back in Lubuk Tapah in Kelantan, although thankfully Irfan’s Tok Bah […]

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Sunset from the porch

First Entry From The North

Here we are at the northernmost part of the country, over a hundred klicks away from the nearest population centre which could be called a “city”. We live in a kampung, although not in a kampung house. There is a mango orchard less than fifty metres away. Beyond the mango […]

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The End of January…

…specifically today, marks both the Anniversary of Atok and Opah, and the birthday of Sila, the best sister and bounty hunter ever! Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to everyone involved! This is where I’d post old black and white photos of all Atok, Opah and Sila if I was able […]

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Sol behind the clouds

Another Day Another Sunset

All of a sudden another year ends. I can’t believe we’ve lived here for more than a decade now. I can tell you how the skyline has changed over the years; and where on the landscape we were once able to make out traffic on the MRR2 highway. Through the […]

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Hishgraphics H

Twelve Years Ago…

Ain and I were married. Today, we woke up extra early to pick up Abang G from the bus station. Ain had applied for a day’s leave. Then we sent Irfan to Al-Huda school as Abang G rested at home. Then we watched the season premiere of The Walking Dead […]

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The schoolmate

gMalaysia Conference

Earlier today I attended an event organised by Google Malaysia called the gMalaysia Conference. It would be great to learn more about how Google products can help with my illustration business. Integrated with my Android smartphone, it’s already a indispensable tool for marketing and communications for my work. The schedule […]

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Not Really A New School Battleship


Recently I’ve been teaching Irfan how we played Battleship back in school, using a grid paper and pencils. And soon after, in addition to yelling “You sanked my battleship!” his cruise missiles being launched and flying it toward my ships were also being dramatised using hands and voice. Later, he […]

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