Nexus Point

Worlds of the Enteague Sector

In 1989, my father bought me two books that started me into Star Wars role playing game: West End Games’ Star Wars The Roleplaying Game rulebook and the Star Wars Sourcebook. My first campaign (and the longest I gamemastered) was my “Strikeforce Enteague” campaign. The players were characters of a […]

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Irfan As A Star Wars Planet

Irfan has a planet officially named after him in the Star Wars universe. Specifically, a gas giant in the Vaxal system. Third planet of the system, with seven moons orbiting it. How did it come about, you ask? Thanks to a friend of mine named Gary Astleford, a freelance game […]

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The Net.Guide to Spleens

About 2 years ago, I wrote an e-book on a whim along with lots of help from Ryan Lee and Gabriel Johnson. It was called the Net.Guide to Spleens and it can be used with both the D6 and the d20 versions of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Download it […]

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