Eid Mubarak, and selamat hari raya to all! Vin, Allie and I were out of town for the holidays due to work commitments, but coincidentally, we had a work-related party to go to on the eve of Eid that actually specified that it was a national dress party. So Alllie […]
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Aidilfitri greetings to everyone from us who are spending the holidays in Pasir Mas this year. This year, our family was garbed in black on Aidilfitri morning. The next day was Irfan’s seventh birthday. There was no place in the fridge to store the cake so we cut the cake […]
Continue readingThe Interactive Dan Brown Plot Generator
Do you wish to write and be as successful as bestselling authour of titles such as Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown? Don’t fret, because now you can thanks to Slate.com’s The Interactive Dan Brown Plot Generator. All you have to do is to select the […]
Continue reading365 Days of Stormtroopers
Thanks to the Official Star Wars Blog, I’ve come across the photo-adventures of a pair of hapless Imperial Stormtroopers on Flickr, TK-479 and TK-455, as they undergo a series of entertaining adventures. The photos are taken by Stéfan Le Dû, who will release one photo a day for a year. […]
Continue readingSecret Library Revamped and Re-released
After a long time taken out of the market, I’ve finally re-released the old The Secret Library children’s book as Irfan’s Secret Library. The story is basically the same, with some edits to the body text. There are no new artwork. Everything is from the older version of the book. […]
Continue readingIrfan Draws Again
Note the day-old mustache and stubble I have.
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Behold, a mosquito bit the 13-month-old Allie’s cheek! [[image:allie361a.jpg:Mozzie bit me!:center:0]] Allie was 13 months old last Saturday August 22nd, also the first day of Ramadhan. She’s had another month of a full-time Mama since I am still in-between projects. And today, Allie is 13 months and 6 days old […]
Continue readingPrawn-flavoured Keropok: A District 9 review
A gigantic spaceship appears in the skies above Johannesburg 28 years ago. A million starving insectoid sapients are found in the ship, and ferried ground-side. Now, a guarded slum area called District 9 exists in Johannesburg that tries to keep these alien “prawns” away from humans, while the Multinational United […]
Continue readingCody and Rex, Best of Friends
Once upon a time… THE END
Continue readingStrikeforce Enteague: The Pioneer Team
Once upon a time I had a Geocities Page, where upon I uploaded a lot of Star Wars artwork. Soon the plug will be pulled on Geocities, so a link there from here is a futile gesture. However, there are a bunch of drawings of my first ever Strikeforce Enteague […]
Continue readingGauntlet Starfighter
Gauntlet starfighter, manufactured by Shobquix Yards, was created a long time ago by West End Games for their Star Wars Roleplaying Game line as can be seen here at Wookieepedia. It first appeared in Planets of the Galaxy, Vol 1 in the “Isen IV” chapter. And in its début, it […]
Continue readingThe one with the birthday cake
Since there has been a demand for cake, here it is!! [[image:allie330a.jpg:Let them eat cake!:center:0]] * Please mouse over the pictures for captions On Sunday, July 26th, we held a small gathering, a cookout and potluck to celebrate Allie’s first birthday. Guests include a few members of Vin’s baseball team […]
Continue readingThe one with the birthday crepes
Two days after Allie’s first birthday was Vin’s birthday! And since it was his day, he got to pick what he wanted as his birthday treat and he chose crepes. This is my first attempt at making crepes, but I gave it a shot! But first, Allie takes a shot […]
Continue readingAllie’s 12 Month (aka First) Birthday
Can you believe it???? Allie had her very first birthday, and turned a YEAR old last Wednesday, July 22! [[image:allie312a.jpg:Hellooooooo I’m 1!!!!:center:0]] Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Allieeeeee,Happy birthday to youuuuuu Many thanks to everyone who called/emailed/sent presents/cards/ecards/facebooked/forummed and even blogged birthday wishes for […]
Continue readingIrfan Wears Glasses And Stares At People
After asking him to do a reading test on stuff all over the house, standing at a distance, we came to the realisation that Irfan’s eyesight isn’t good at all. We took him to the optometrist to get his corneas measured, but instead they gave him more sight tests. The […]
Continue readingFansubs
Sometimes, fansubbers are also Star Wars fans.
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