Selamat Hari Raya from NJ(??)

Eid Mubarak, and selamat hari raya to all! Vin, Allie and I were out of town for the holidays due to work commitments, but coincidentally, we had a work-related party to go to on the eve of Eid that actually specified that it was a national dress party. So Alllie […]

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Holiday by the sea - Day 1

365 Days of Stormtroopers

Thanks to the Official Star Wars Blog, I’ve come across the photo-adventures of a pair of hapless Imperial Stormtroopers on Flickr, TK-479 and TK-455, as they undergo a series of entertaining adventures. The photos are taken by Stéfan Le Dû, who will release one photo a day for a year. […]

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Allie’s 13 Month Birthday

Behold, a mosquito bit the 13-month-old Allie’s cheek! [[image:allie361a.jpg:Mozzie bit me!:center:0]] Allie was 13 months old last Saturday August 22nd, also the first day of Ramadhan. She’s had another month of a full-time Mama since I am still in-between projects. And today, Allie is 13 months and 6 days old […]

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Where the hell is my live-action Robotech movie

Prawn-flavoured Keropok: A District 9 review

A gigantic spaceship appears in the skies above Johannesburg 28 years ago. A million starving insectoid sapients are found in the ship, and ferried ground-side. Now, a guarded slum area called District 9 exists in Johannesburg that tries to keep these alien “prawns” away from humans, while the Multinational United […]

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Shobquix-yards Gauntlet Starfighter

Gauntlet Starfighter

Gauntlet starfighter, manufactured by Shobquix Yards, was created a long time ago by West End Games for their Star Wars Roleplaying Game line as can be seen here at Wookieepedia. It first appeared in Planets of the Galaxy, Vol 1 in the “Isen IV” chapter. And in its début, it […]

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The one with the birthday cake

Since there has been a demand for cake, here it is!! [[image:allie330a.jpg:Let them eat cake!:center:0]]  * Please mouse over the pictures for captions On Sunday, July 26th, we held a small gathering, a cookout and potluck to celebrate Allie’s first birthday. Guests include a few members of Vin’s baseball team […]

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Allie’s 12 Month (aka First) Birthday

Can you believe it???? Allie had her very first birthday, and turned a YEAR old last Wednesday, July 22! [[image:allie312a.jpg:Hellooooooo I’m 1!!!!:center:0]] Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Allieeeeee,Happy birthday to youuuuuu Many thanks to everyone who called/emailed/sent presents/cards/ecards/facebooked/forummed and even blogged birthday wishes for […]

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