Thirty Four Weeks

04 June 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

OK, I know I usually do an update on the belly progress every four weeks, but now in the last few weeks of the third trimester, it seems like it's growing exponentially. I think my belly is growing on a daily basis! Check it out!

Lookit how big I am!

The thing is, in the last 3 weeks I only gained 2 1/2 lbs! But it sure feels like I grew much bigger. How about some more thoughts on pregnancy:

1) Remember the large pot-bellied men question I had from the Halfway Mark? Now a follow up question: What fills it to make it so big? I mean, right now I'm filled to the brim with baby+amniotic sac+amniotic fluid and all kinds of stuff so I swish when I move around. What about the large pot-bellied men? What's in there? How does it feel? Does it swish?

2) I referred to the belly as my "large-tight-1-pack-abs" at work today and got some laughs.

3) Baby is very actively kicking. Likes very much to kick me in the ribs or wedge a foot or arm under the lowest rib all the live-long day so that I feel him/her with every movement, both of which results in what feels like bruised and tender ribs by bedtime.

4) We went to our first childbirth preparation class last night - it was fun/scary/interesting/informative all rolled in one.

Doctor says baby is progressing well, as expected. Wish us luck for the next 6 weeks! :-)


Zarin and Lily

31 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics, Friends

In case anyone was wondering how Lily took to having Zarin around for a few days, she was totally comfortable with him. (These are pictures that Zarin took - guna sikit ya, Zarin?).

First night, already that kitkat made herself comfortable right in the middle of Zarin's bed:

Right in the center of the guest bed

Zarin's Visit

31 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics, Friends

So Zarin (atukku!) spent a few days with us (May 16-22) during which time, I regret to say that even though I brought my camera everywhere, I didn't take as many pictures as I should have. Too busy chatting and hanging out and eating. What to do? I haven't had this kind of time to hang out with Zarin since our college days (and since Zarin came for the 10th Year reunion, that's as many years since we've had the luxury of hanging out like this).

We did plan some activities to do (other than hanging out!). On Saturday, we went to watch the Cincinnati Reds play against the Cleveland Indians (Interleague Play).

Sorry Zarin, I borrowed a few of your pictures for this entry...

Zarin and Vin

Thirty Two Weeks

23 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics, Friends

Time seems to be flying on by! We are now at 32 weeks, as of this past Monday. 80% of the way there now! Feeling big and getting bigger...

The traditional shot

Irfan's Second Sports Day

17 May 2008 | Hisham | | Family Pics

Last Friday, Irfan had his second ever sports event at his kindergarten during this years' Teachers' Day. This time, Atok and Opah Irfan was also present for the proceedings.

Last year it wasn't so apparent, but this year it was so obvious that Irfan towered over everyone else, and the photos here do not do his actual height real justice.

As Opah Irfan and I snapped away with still cameras, Atok Irfan wielded a video camera which I turned into a proper DVD video in the next couple of days. Irfan was asking Ain for drinks every a couple of seconds or so.

Here is a photojournal of what happened at the sports day.

Above: Irfan limbers up for whatever that the school has in store for him and his compatriots.


Boy or Girl? DON'T TELL US! - Part 4

15 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

OK, as promised, here's a short video of the baby. I have a better one, but it's too long and larger than the allowable size. But in the meantime, enjoy:

A little hand movement


Boy or Girl? DON'T TELL US! - Part 3

14 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

So today, we went to do a 3D/4D ultrasound of the baby. Today (s)he is 31 weeks and 1 day old. The whole experience was awesome! We saw some facial features, we saw him/her move, even looked like (s)he yawned at one point. It was one of the best experiences ever! And we're not even worried that you'll be able to tell if (s)he is a boy or a girl. Seriously for these you won't be able to tell the baby's sex (because we can't). The lady who conducted the ultrasound was really really good, she didn't show us anything we didn't want to see, and tried her best to get the best shots of the baby. Take a look!


Aerocarnival 2008

12 May 2008 | Hisham | | Family Pics

As I spent three full days over the weekend (plus Friday) manning the booth at Aerocarnival 2008 which was held at UniKL-MIAT, Ain, Irfan, Cik Emma and Cik Su went about the fair outdoors, taking photos among the static displays.

There were lots of kids looking for jobs in the aviation industry, wearing the wrong clothes for it and with bad haircuts. Needless to say I was a crazy old man with a shotgun yelling at the kids to get off the lawn.

Irfan and his mother and aunts arrive at the booth where I'm working.

Sisters, plus one Irfan and tongue


Baby's Already Getting Gifts!

10 May 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

I feel truly blessed and happy that not only are we having a baby soon, but people have cared enough to gift the baby with all sorts of cool stuff. I had to take pictures and show you the goodies that the baby has received even though (s)he isn't even due for over two months! :-)


Irfan Takes Atok's Pictures

28 April 2008 | Hisham | | Family Pics

As told previously, Irfan likes to use the camera (that is wondrously chimaeraed into the phone by wizards) to take pictures of everything.

Some weeks ago, we went to Sitiawan and lo and behold, there was a kenduri at the Seri Manjong stadium that was organized by the new state government which gave the old state government a run for their money during the recent elections.

During the speech by the local representatives and politicians, Irfan took a couple of good photos of his grandfather.




Twenty Eight Weeks

24 April 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

Monday marked the 28th week of the pregnancy. We are now 70% of the way! Another 12 weeks or so to go!! Time seems to just be flying by. The shirt isn't snug over the belly, but believe me, there's a pretty big one under there!

Sila at 28 Weeks

Pictures of Lily

12 April 2008 | sila | | Family Pics
Lily in the fruit bowl

Pictures of Lily

By The Who:

I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my dad

He said, 'Son now here's some little something'
And stuck them on my wall
And now my nights ain't quite so lonely
In fact I, I don't feel bad at all

Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night
Pitcures of Lily solved my childhood problems
Pictures of Lily helped me feel alright

Pictures of Lily
Lily, oh Lily
Lily, oh Lily
Pictures of Lily

And then one day things weren't quite so fine
I fell in love with Lily
I asked my dad where Lily I could find
He said, 'Son, now don't be silly'

'She's been dead since 1929'
Oh, how I cried that night
If only I'd been born in Lily's time
It would have been alright

Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night

For me and Lily are together in my dreams
And I ask you, 'Hey mister, have you ever seen'
'Pictures of Lily?'


Springtime, Finally!

12 April 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

YAYYYYYY! I think the snow is over (knock wood)! The daffodils finally bloomed, and our party-crashing lilacs (or hyacinths?) have crashed the party again! Check them out:

Cheery daffodils
Happy sunny yellow goodness
Purple Party People

Seriously, the daffodils blooming always makes me smile! :-)


A First To Fall

11 April 2008 | Hisham | | Family Pics

Dental entropy?Look who's lost his first baby tooth... today... on April 11... 2008 Common Era.

When the tooth was loose he was concerned with bleeding, but after the tooth fell out in school he didn't seem too concerned. He was proud of it, even. No blood and pain, he made a point of letting everyone know.

I wish he didn't discard the tooth in school though. It's now probably in a waste bin or down the toilet or something.


Irfan the Photographer

31 March 2008 | Hisham | | Family Pics

Nowadays when eating out, Irfan asks for the phone so he can scamper all over the restaurant being an avant-garde photographer of sorts.

He just aims at something he likes and clicks. Next time I'm giving him the phone when we're out in the park or picnic or balik kampung.

Here are some of the photos he took recently.

Abah movingEmpty table


Twenty Four Weeks on the 24th

25 March 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

I can't believe it. Four more weeks have passed since the Halfway Mark! We are now 60% of the way there. I think there's been more progress on the belly in the last four weeks though. What do you think?

Growing Belly

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered. Aches and pains that are considered "normal", sure. Lots of whining to poor Vin, of course, but on the whole both baby and I are doing well. Baby does a bunch of moving around these days, which is a cool yet bizarre experience. Seems like the "flutters" are growing stronger now.

(This post not brought to you from my cell phone since I refuse to get a phone that does all those crazy things! It will only be extra ways that work people can get a hold of me!) ;-)



13 March 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

So those of you who romanticize snow, and think it's cool and stuff, sure it looks pretty until you realize that in order to get out of the house you have to shovel the entire driveway or you're stuck.

Here's poor Vin, shoveling first a path to the mailbox (so he can pick up the mail and his newspapers):

Shoveling the front porch first


09 March 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

OK, people! What is the deal? It is freaking March 8th, 30 miles north of Kentucky, and what do we have? A foot of snow on the ground! Blizzard conditions! WTF????

Look at this stuff!!!?!?!


Boy or Girl? DON'T TELL US! - Part 2

07 March 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

So, seven weeks after the first ultrasound, we are at 21 weeks and 3 days for our next ultrasound. Again, Vin and I do not want to know the gender, so if you can tell from the pictures, don't tell us!!! :-)

As of today, (s)he weighs in at 1 whole pound. I just checked the previous entry, and (s)he was 3 ounces only at the time! (S)he is growing at a normal rate. We will see the OB next week to review the progress.


The Halfway Mark

26 February 2008 | sila | | Family Pics

I have been a total spaz about blogging lately. I'm so behind on all kinds of entries that I've been meaning to write and have been writing in my head. But as you might imagine, Vin and I have been occupied with other things lately. :-)

Monday February 25th was our "official" halfway mark. Twenty weeks down, twenty weeks to go. Here's what I look like, twenty weeks along:

20 weeks

I've been told I don't look too pregnant yet, but you tell me! :-)

In the meantime, some random thoughts on this whole experience:

1) How do men with potbellies deal with it? I mean, I no I'm not beanpole skinny-girl, but I was at least proportionate. I carried the weight in a balanced fashion. This whole belly thing is upsetting my equilibrium and not to mention the expanding belly does force one to compensate and walk differently or fall over. But the thing is, I know that my time with the pot belly is finite. At the end of the pregnancy, we'll have a baby and I'll have to carry the baby in my arms and on my hips instead of in my belly. The backaches won't be caused by carrying a dead weight right in the stomach. But these potbellied men - I don't mean the slight little pots that you guys (and we girls) all get as we age. I mean the men who look like they're 9 months pregnant at all times. How do they do it?? How do they get out of bed and go to work and do all the things that they do every single day, and just dealing with the belly? I would be taking some steps to reduce the belly right quick, if I were they. I mean, I'm not even that huge yet, and already it gets in the way. Bending over to pick up the soap when (and I do say when) I drop it in the shower? Not that easy to do anymore. Bending over to pick up the cat, also challenging. Going up the stairs has me huffing and puffing because baby takes up space and doesn't allow my lungs to inflate fully anymore. How do these men do it, every day, like a neverending pregnancy? How, I ask you???

2) Finally! I feel some movement! "Flutters"! Cool and bizarre at the same time. No, I don't feel kicking or anything. It's just something else going on in there - movement like I've never felt before. It's cool! :-D

3) Boy there sure are a lot of pregnancy books out there...

4) Youtube has a lot of birthing videos. Real ones. Not for the squeamish.

5) I don't know how single mothers do it. Without Vin keeping me sane (bringing food, drink, keeping me in clean clothes, keeping the house in order, cooking food, and all in all pampering me completely) I wouldn't have survived this far. I don't know how I could have faced this alone. Thanks, babe. Love ya.