Emergence at Sunset, a digital sketch

ART: Emergence at Sunset

It has been a busy couple of months and it had been a while since I plugged in the XP Pen tablet. So I plugged it in, loaded up Krita and began a random landscape sketech. I even tried out Krita’s video recording feature for the first time. This was […]

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Pink clouds and stuff

ART: A Forest Sky

Here’s another watercolour painting I rushed through to relax my exhausted mind. Did it work? Not as much as I would like. But I did end up this painting at the end. I think I need a white gelly pen. Video There is no footage of me painting the piece, […]

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Blue skies and surf

ART: An Ocean View

I thought the last time I played with watercolours was more than 10 years ago before I moved to the north. But apparently I have dabbled with it once — perhaps five years ago — to teach Irfan to use them. Video For the first time ever, here is a […]

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Title card Star Trek Adventures Emergency Deep S01E02

STA: Taken

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E02 “Taken” Previously on Star Trek Adventures: Emergency Deep. Here is the second session report from yesterday, once again in the form of a Captain’s Log written by Dan who plays the Captain Ellison. Captain’s Log, Supplemental. USS Östergötland (NCC-72227). Captain Greg Ellison in command. […]

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Star Spawns

A Forgotten Cthulhu Art Commission

Back in early 2014, I was commissioned by someone to create artwork for his Kickstarter project. It was a Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos role-playing game using the Fate system. Unfortunately, the guy who ran the Kickstarter campaign over a period of time shirked his responsibilities and left his backers hanging. Fortunately, […]

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Terry McAllister

A Vampire Librarian Named Terry

After the end of our mini Vampire the Requiem RPG campaign, in which our pregenerated characters won the civil war in Atlanta, we started making new characters for a new campaign. It is now 2032, 10 years after the Vampire revolution that overthrew the old blood… I now play Terry […]

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Sensor Bot

Art Video: Sensor Bot

Here is another character I drew for Chris Mennell’s sci-fi setting he’s developing. This sensor bot has multiple sensors installed all over his body. The video is at 10x normal speed, and edited in Flowblade. Now that I look at it I think the head might have been subconsciously inspired […]

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Skull Spacer

Art Video: Skull Spacer

Here is a sped up video recording of my drawing a “Skull Spacer”, created for Chris Mennell. In actual fact, it took about 50 minutes to complete this. Additionally, I edited the video with both Flowblade on the desktop and InShot on mobile. The astronaut needs more skin lotion though. […]

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Robot on a dead world

Esoteric Underground Cover

Several months ago, Chris Mennell requested a cover are for his new RPG zine entitled Esoteric Underground. I tried to finish it as soon as I could, but it was still a slog to get through because of day job workload. Needless to say, I was late in submitting the […]

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Ashwood vs a Skyship

Art: Cosmic Cutthroats

Recently Imperfekt Gammes who published Invulnerable RPG, commission a pair of interior artwork for their new tabletop RPG Cosmic Cutthroats, a game about dimension-hopping adventuring, getting into trouble, partying, helping people, and overthrowing dictators across the multiverse! Above: The Spacefleet Cruiser Ashwood trades blows with an enemy skysailing galleon. Above: […]

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Mother Chong

Art of Wuxia NPCs

Early this year, DwD Studios invited me to produce interior artwork for their new RPG rulebook Art of Wuxia. Unfortunately, I was unable to oblige their request because of work commitments. I did try, but I just could not produce artwork during that stretch of time. So, they had to […]

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