Galactic Weekly NewsStack FTW

Those Stories About What Happened…

I might have overdone it with the “Those Stories About What Happened” meme adapted from the latest Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer, pertaining to West End Games’ Star Wars The Roleplaying Game material. It probably what Han would tell these kids about the Galactic Civil War shenanigans as played […]

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25 Random Songs

Gary writes on Facebook: This is another one of those Facebook memes. You turn your music player to random and write down the first 25 songs it spits out. I’m not a big tagger, but if you want to do it, go for it. [[popup:amarok-feb2009.jpg:(thumbnail):AmaroK!:right:1]]Okay, Gary. I will go for […]

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Hishgraphics H

25 Random Facts

So, Gary tagged me on Facebook, therefore: Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose up to 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If […]

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Fabulous ‘Friday’ Five Meme

So Athena tagged us and since I’ve been so bad about blogging lately, I decided I would take it on! :-). Plus, conveniently, it IS Friday! So here goes: DO YOU PREFER… 1. To watch or participate?Participate, preferably. I hate sitting around while other people do stuff. 🙂 2. Malls, […]

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Horror Tag

Since Simple American tagged me for this Horror Movie meme, here we go! Sorry for it being a few days after Halloween but my days have been pretty hectic lately! In all honesty, I’m seriously a coward when it comes to horror movies. The supernatural just freaks me out for […]

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Who, Me?

Well! It’s been a while, and I apologize for being so slow about it, but it’s been a busy July (see? now August oredi..). Since Hijack Queen tagged me, could it be true? Am I? Really? Little ol’ me? Well, shucks! Thanks 🙂 [[image:rockingirl.jpg:I Rock?:center:0]] Thanks, Queen! Let’s party like […]

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Fantastic Four: Meme Redux

Another meme arrives and since my fellow bloggenstein who happens to also be my sister has tagged me… Wait, are there any rules about tagging your fellow blogmate based in the same weblogsite? No matter. I shall give this meme a whatfor like it’s never been given a whatfor before. […]

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Fantastic Four: A Meme

Since Selena (my preciousssssss pearl from PlanetKambing) tagged me for this, I figured I should get to it before I start procrasssstinating! Before any Silver Surfers start rising, here goes: Four Jobs I’ve Had in my life: 1. Student Tour Guide for the Information Center at my college 2. Circulations […]

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Another Suitor For Lily

Young Tiger Lily Belle, who just meowed her way into Sila & Vin’s household, already has suitors apparently. You can get the details from Sila later, about the poet and the two-timer. I would like to suggest another candidate for Lily. A powerful sandcat. From Arrakis. The Shai-Hulud: From here.

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A Tag! A Meme! A Meme Tag!

Diamond Lil tagged us with a meme about blogging it would so we have to oblige some answers to a set of questions. 1. Are you happy/satisfied with your blog, with its content and look? Does your family know about your blog? I am somewhat happy with my blog, but […]

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The Meme Tagged thingamabob…

Since Lilian tagged Hisham and I for the meme thing and Hisham actually did his, here’s my meme. Quick story about “Meme”, when I first saw it, I thought “grandmother?”. My friend and colleague Jo’s granddaughter calls her “Meme” (pronounced meh-may). But anyway – my contribution: Where I was 10 […]

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