Boy or girl? Hehe.. 27 week pics

Yes, indeed, Yaya’s Adik is a boy, inshallah. Here is a of picture of his face from the 27 week ultrasound we just had on Thursday, 6 October 2011. [[image:adik-06oct2011-face.jpg:Is Adik smiling or frowning?:center:0]] His weight is now an estimated 2 lb 11 ounces (little over 1 kg) which is average […]

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Boy or girl? Can you guess?

Here are a couple of pictures of Yaya’s Adik from this morning’s ultrasound. Adik is now 20 weeks old – halfway there! Adik weighs 12 ounces (which is apparently normal for this age). [[image:2011-0816-adik-b.jpg:Profile with arm:center:0]]  [[image:2011-0816-adik-a.jpg:Kick Mama!:center:0]]  Tell us, based on these pictures, do you think Adik is a […]

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Boy or girl? The sequel

I meant to share this a lot earlier but time got away from me. Yaya is getting an Adik (little sibling)! This was taken on 28 June 2011, when Adik was at 13 weeks and 1 day old. Adik was definitely active and having a dance party in there while […]

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Welcome Alya Jean Renstrom

Last night Vin called to tell us that Sila has given birth to a beautiful baby daughter named Alya Jean Renstrom weighing 8.9 lbs at 10.39am Eastern Standard Time at the Atrium Medical Center in Middletown, Ohio. Truckloads of congratulations to Vin and Sila. Sila is fine and I talked […]

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Some Assembly Required – Part 1

First thing we assembled for the baby is the changing table (one of the lovely gifts received). Lily, of course, has been very curious about all the goings-on with regard to new boxes and newly assembled stuff. * Mouse over for captions [[image:lstuff02.jpg:Lily claiming the box:center:0]] [[image:lstuff01.jpg:Roly-poly on the box:center:0]] […]

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Forty Weeks…

…and baby still hasn’t arrived yet. Mak and Abah have been here over a week (11 days already!). We’re all in a holding pattern, waiting for the arrival of this stubborn little one. 🙂 Pictures then: [[image:40week2.jpg:Belly still growing!:center:0]] [[image:40week1.jpg:Another angle for the belly:center:0]] Sorry, I was kind of sleepy […]

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Nursery – Part 1

So to while away the time until the baby arrives, how about a look at the nursery? It’s almost finished – but here’s a view of it from the beginning until what it looks like right now. * Mouse over the pictures for captions First, the original paintjob: [[image:nursery01.jpg:Purple!!!:center:0]] [[image:nursery02.jpg:Twin […]

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Thirty Eight Weeks

Time for the bi-weekly update. Thirty eight weeks have passed. I am constantly surprised at how much larger I keep getting, but I’m assured by the doctors that we are where we should be. It probably doesn’t help that I am chowing down on oreo cookies as I write this […]

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Thirty Six Weeks

Another two weeks have passed, and again, I have grown like crazy. I feel like I should have a man with a top hat standing around yelling “Come one, come all!! Witness the amazing growing Sila!!!! Limited engagement!!!” What more can I say but look! [[image:36week1.jpg:Whoa, nelly!:center:0]] A couple more […]

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Thirty Four Weeks

OK, I know I usually do an update on the belly progress every four weeks, but now in the last few weeks of the third trimester, it seems like it’s growing exponentially. I think my belly is growing on a daily basis! Check it out! [[image:34week1.jpg:Lookit how big I am!:center:0]] […]

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Thirty Two Weeks

Time seems to be flying on by! We are now at 32 weeks, as of this past Monday. 80% of the way there now! Feeling big and getting bigger… [[image:32week1.jpg:The traditional shot:center:0]] Here’s a different angle of me, where you can really see that the belly is getting rather large… […]

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