Artoo faces off a B1 battle droid

Irfan’s Player Character Saves The Day

Irfan played his first complete Star Wars Role-Playing Game adventure today, as everyone’s favourite intrepid astromech droid Artoo-Detoo. He was awesome at figuring out solutions to simple problems that were presented in the scenario that I cooked up. He even role-played Artoo well by having in-character conversations in regular robotic […]

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Holiday by the sea - Day 1

365 Days of Stormtroopers

Thanks to the Official Star Wars Blog, I’ve come across the photo-adventures of a pair of hapless Imperial Stormtroopers on Flickr, TK-479 and TK-455, as they undergo a series of entertaining adventures. The photos are taken by Stéfan Le Dû, who will release one photo a day for a year. […]

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Alt-mode Starscream

A Star’s Cream

Here is Starscream. Not the Voyager-class toy, but the smaller Legends-class one, complete with the ‘Tronian markings he got himself waiting for Revenge of the Fallen to be released. Strangely enough, I find this little thing to look much better as an F-22 Raptor than the Voyager-class alt-mode, which has […]

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Birthday boy in jammies

Six Years Old Today

It’s September 21st again and once more it’s time for Irfan’s birthday. Wearing his Iron Man t-shirt a gift from Ayah Cik, he greeted the arrival of his cousin Aiman (as well as Aiman’s parents) with whom he immediately shared his cache of toys. Aiman was overwhelmed by the amount […]

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Steampunk Star Wars

Via Boing Boing, I came across Sillof’s Workshop that displays awesome custom made figures… of classic Star Wars characters in steampunk forms. Unbelievably awesome and of fantastic quality. I wish they were selling this en masse in the stores. Also, I can see an awesome alternate-universe Star Wars RPG campaign […]

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Lookit grenades

My Debut as a G.I. Joe

Shane, who’s made some great dioramas at Joe Dios, has unveiled his latest custom G.I. Joe figure, a jungle trooper codenamed Monsoon. I’d like to add to Monsoon’s background: He’s carried a lot of emotional baggage on his shoulders, ever since May 1999 where he faked sick leave to catch […]

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Toy Robots In Disguise

Once upon a time in my early teens I had to save my weekly allowance for a couple of months before I could buy an original Transformers G1 toy. I only managed to save enough to buy two: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Then later when I was overseas, I bought Wheeljack […]

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After months of using other vehicles as substitute of Lightning McQueen from his favourite movie when playing with his toys, Irfan will finally get the real deal thanks to his Atok & Opah. Atok took these pictures and emailed them to us and Irfan was really excited looking at them. […]

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Irfan with Bonnie Hunt, Paul Newman, Tony Shalhoub and George Carlin

Today The Light Switch…

… Tomorrow the world!!! Earlier today Irfan realised that he has a new super power: the ability to reach any high switch on the wall with his hands (albeit on tippy toes). So all morning he’s been all over the house flipping switches. Lights. Fan. Forcefields. Directed-energy weapons. Life support […]

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