Irfan making friends with Ashley

A Time of Reunion

We don’t get together that much these days, but when we do the survivors of the ACS Sitiawan, SPM 1990 batch, create one hell of a ruckus when we sit around the table talking about… well, anything that comes to mind. Earlier tonight, a bunch of them fell upon the […]

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Hishgraphics H

Lunch With Nanda

Nandakumar has been a good friend of mine since I was 14. Form 2 was when this newcomer to Sitiawan traipsed into our classroom and sat close to me along with the usual suspects, Teik Sing, Khoots, Warren, et. at. Despite being good friends, we rarely see each other these […]

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Hishgraphics H

More Tales of Connectivity

I’ve been chatting online for more almost four years. I’ve chatted with acquaintances that have now become really good friends (although I’ve never met most any of them, and you know who you are, ya maggots), and I’m also in IM contact with some of my old schoolmates, but I […]

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Hishgraphics H

Great Expectations

I leant of a very heartwarming news yesterday when I was having lunch with Tern Lik (or Tem Lik as his business card erroneously states, heh). Irfan’s Uncle Teik Sing and Aunt Michelle are expecting a baby! Michelle’s been pregnant 8 weeks. I can’t believe Teik Sing and I played […]

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At the anchor

Midnight Jaunt to Lumut

At midnight we went for drinks at the Lumut Waterfront cafe, on the newly reclaimed land on Dindings River opposite of Kampung Acheh. At nearly midnight the well-lit playground of the place was filled with kids and even babies in prams (pushed by parents, and not moving on their own […]

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Group photo

CNY at Teik Sing’s House

This afternoon, Ain, Irfan and I went to Teik Sing’s house to celebrate New Year. The last time the former ACS students of SPM 1990 gathered together was during Independence Day 2005 in 1 Utama. I almost missed the gate into Teik Sing’s house, which Warren and I remembered to […]

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Raya buddies

Almost Aidilfitri?

Well not exactly. Another two months. So, for no reason in particular, here’s another pic of old ACS Sitiawan buddies; this time gathering at my house for Aidilfitri, and to eat the food as well. We’ll be in Sitiawan this year instead of Pasir Mas, so you all are invited […]

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