Azamar Sea View

Azamar – A View of the Sea

Here’s a damage seagoing vessel – anchored off an Azamar coast – undergoing repairs at dawn. What happened to it? What was it carrying? Who or what shot at it? Were there survivors? What repercussions would there be for characters that relied on this ship for transport or defence? What […]

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Azamar Melee WIP04

Azamar – Melee Skirmish

Here’s a quarter page interior illustration for Wicked North Games of a Tre’uoall ranger versus an Orc warrior fighting on a hill slope and drawing blood… which should be in black and white in the final Azamar RPG core rule book. Additionally, I will also show you step-by-step how I […]

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Azamar Out Shopping

Here’s a piece on shopping for fruits and vegetables at a marketplace in Azamar. Here’s a hint: don’t drop or jostle the Quepid root. Otherwise vegetables are good for you. Eat more vegetables. Click on the partial thumb on the right to view the full image! Azamar will be published […]

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Azamar Enfri Airship

Azamar Miscellanea

With the release of the Azamar RPG core rulebook so close, I was still assigned several more art orders for the interior of the book. As before, although they’re in colour here, the final product will have black and white interior pages. Here are a pair of magic users, using […]

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D6 Magazine - Abyssian Hunter

D6 Magazine Released

Remember the cover I did a couple of posts ago? After months of work, finally the debut issue of D6 Magazine has finally been released into the wild. Apart from the aforementioned cover, I also helped the writers produce three interior artwork for it. For the article “Crack of the […]

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Azamar - Falling

Azamar Scenes of Battle

I also had to produce two full page action scenes for the Azamar RPG in black and white, which I actually painted with GIMP in grayscale. It was quite a learning experience. If you’ve read the previous Creatures of Azamar blog posts, you’ll notice a couple types of beasts in […]

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Azamar – Personal Combat Gear

When one goes adventuring in a high fantasy world such as Azamar, one needs to be prepared for encounters with horrific beasts, lethal environment and evil sorcerers! I mean, if you attempt to take a journey through the Olm Jungle with only a Ben 10 plastic tumbler of orange cordial […]

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Creatures of Azamar Part Five

Here are six new artwork of mystical and deadly beings of the Azamar fantasy roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. The kongamato is a small pterodactyl-like creature with a long, sharp tail with which it slashes its prey. The korac is a large underwater beast that swims up and […]

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Creatures of Azamar Part Four

Here are five new artwork of mystical and deadly beings of the Azamar fantasy roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. A Fiend which vomits its caustic stomach acid upon its prey and gobbles them up whole. Feline-like Fiends with four eyes and four arms. Revenants are actually magical balls […]

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A Trio of Horrific Monsters

After finishing up the artwork in the previous entry, Vonschlick Productions sent some more light jobs my way: three mostrous horrors, also to be used by tabletop gamers. The art orders were for a werewolf, a vampire and a monster of my choice – which I drew a monstrous burrowing […]

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A Trio of Fantasy Elves

Vonschlick Productions is a company that publishes character artwork for role-playing games. Recently, I was commissioned to illustrate a series of three generic fantasy Elves for their new character artwork book. Here they are in low-resolution. To get high-resolution, print-ready images for your game, purchase the book which should be […]

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Creatures of Azamar Part Three

Here are four new artwork of creatures of the Azamar roleplaying setting, commissioned by Wicked North Games. The diminutive Foragers, denizens of the deep, are raiders of the surface world. The mysterious and venomous hydreans appear to be floating jellyfish that are attracted to magic use in Azamar. Not the […]

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