Zarin and Lily

In case anyone was wondering how Lily took to having Zarin around for a few days, she was totally comfortable with him. (These are pictures that Zarin took – guna sikit ya, Zarin?). First night, already that kitkat made herself comfortable right in the middle of Zarin’s bed: [[image:lily19.jpg:Right in […]

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Zarin’s Visit

So Zarin (atukku!) spent a few days with us (May 16-22) during which time, I regret to say that even though I brought my camera everywhere, I didn’t take as many pictures as I should have. Too busy chatting and hanging out and eating. What to do? I haven’t had […]

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Thirty Two Weeks

Time seems to be flying on by! We are now at 32 weeks, as of this past Monday. 80% of the way there now! Feeling big and getting bigger… [[image:32week1.jpg:The traditional shot:center:0]] Here’s a different angle of me, where you can really see that the belly is getting rather large… […]

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Malaysia Trip – Part I

I know I’ve been quiet. I don’t know why but somehow I sort of slipped into a bit of a hibernation period. I haven’t really done very much, haven’t swept the floors either (that’s next on the list). I really have to get started on sharing the pictures from our […]

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Starships of the Galaxy by Uncle Gary

Another one of Irfan’s Uncle Gary’s writing project has been officially been announced by Wizards of the Coast, which is Starships of the Galaxy for Star Wars Roleplaying Game – Saga Edition Core Rulebook the third edition of the d20 gaming rules. The book was a collaborative effort between Gary, […]

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Who, Me?

Well! It’s been a while, and I apologize for being so slow about it, but it’s been a busy July (see? now August oredi..). Since Hijack Queen tagged me, could it be true? Am I? Really? Little ol’ me? Well, shucks! Thanks 🙂 [[image:rockingirl.jpg:I Rock?:center:0]] Thanks, Queen! Let’s party like […]

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Irfan making friends with Ashley

A Time of Reunion

We don’t get together that much these days, but when we do the survivors of the ACS Sitiawan, SPM 1990 batch, create one hell of a ruckus when we sit around the table talking about… well, anything that comes to mind. Earlier tonight, a bunch of them fell upon the […]

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Lookit grenades

My Debut as a G.I. Joe

Shane, who’s made some great dioramas at Joe Dios, has unveiled his latest custom G.I. Joe figure, a jungle trooper codenamed Monsoon. I’d like to add to Monsoon’s background: He’s carried a lot of emotional baggage on his shoulders, ever since May 1999 where he faked sick leave to catch […]

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Hishgraphics H

Lunch With Nanda

Nandakumar has been a good friend of mine since I was 14. Form 2 was when this newcomer to Sitiawan traipsed into our classroom and sat close to me along with the usual suspects, Teik Sing, Khoots, Warren, et. at. Despite being good friends, we rarely see each other these […]

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