More aliens out in the fringe

Paper Minis: Asok’s Fringers Part 2

Here is a second set of paper minis created from Ryan “Asok Yeesrim” Rhodes’s illustrations used with his permission. Check out larger versions of the artwork at his gallery linked from his name. The first batch of Ryan-drawn minis can be found here. Here’s our first non-canonical alien species created by Ryan, named […]

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A modified Nebulon-B escort frigate

Cartol’s Emporium

Jegergryte did not wish to disturb me after I created artwork for his Edge of the Empire group, so he requested an artwork on SWAG. After a month or so without being picked up – and I had some free time to spare – I yoinked it The drawing of […]

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Che Rohn

Jegergryte’s Crew

Some months back, I drew some player characters for Jegergryte‘s Edge of the Empire RPG player characters. I pushed my digital painting abilities, exercising my skills so they would be closer to what they should be if I am to land better freelance art jobs. Jace Maverick is a swashbuckler […]

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Squeak, Claire and Dutch

SWAG: Squeak, Claire and Dutch

I love it when children play RPGs. Their young imagination make any game soar. If there’s any way to help introverted children to help express themselves more and be better speakers, I would always recommend parents to run tabletop RPGs for them. This was why I immediately took this request […]

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Snivvian Lovers

Snivvian Long Distance Lovers

Derf requested a pair of Snivvian lovers for his Star Wars RPG campaign. He plays a Snivvian student on Coruscant who has a long-distance relationship with a holodrama scenist back on Cadomai. Painted in monochome digitally with MyPaint, and coloured using GIMP 2.8. Click here to check out the image […]

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Badji Hida

Two More SWAG Pickups

Two more Star Wars Artists’ Guild player character art pickups. I love picking up these requests once in a while for a warm-up sketch before work begins in the morning. Badji Hida is a Devaronian scoundrel requested for oexto‘s Edge of the Empire game. He wields a DL-18 blaster pistol, […]

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How to play!

Sabacc Cards of SWAG

Back in 2002, the first iteration of the Star Wars Artsts’ Guild made an exclusive deck of unofficial Star Wars sabacc cards. It was unofficial in that it wasn’t a Lucasfilm-sanctioned project. However, the cards and how it was played used the play description as detailed in L. Neil Smith’s […]

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and they lived happily ever after

Revisit: The Vacation is Over

After half a day of house cleaning, I discovered a long lost stash of old artwork. So I thought I’d post some of them on the blog and link to their final versions elsewhere (or on this blog itself if available.) Here are pencils for the artwork for “The Vacation […]

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Qualtis Majint

A Reluctant Jedi

Remember Admiral Tarn Majint from a couple of posts ago? Here’s his daughter Qualtis Majint – with her blue robes and her blue-bladed lightsabre – who definitely does not resemble Bill Nighy in any way. Like any self-respecting character in any Star Wars RPG campaign, she loves thermal detonators. A […]

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A Kubaz Majordomo

Here’s another SWAG request I picked up. Derf requested a Kubaz majordomo character by the name of Rbarindan, with “many friends and relations in low places”. His species is the same as Garindan, the spy who shadowed Luke, Ben and the droids in Mos Eisley on their way to the […]

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Admiral Tarn Majint

An Imperial Fleet Admiral

I picked up a SWAG request from Jan Tolbara for a character named Tarn Majint, an Imperial Admiral. He is visually inspired by the actor Bill Nighy, but without the pirate hat and the tentacled face. Of course, a tentacle-faced Imperial officer isn’t that much of a stretch for Star […]

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An Anomid

An Anomid Tech Specialist

Anomids are aliens which have no vocal cords in the Star Wars galaxy. Over millennia, they developed and communicate with each other via an elaborate sign language using their six-fingered hands. However, when communicating with the galaxy at large, Anomids wear a voice synthesiser mask which allows them to speak […]

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