A few weeks ago before the school break ended, Irfan followed his tuition centre group on a visit to Putrajaya where they visited the botanical gardens, among other places. This was the first time he went on a trip with the group. Although he came back tired, he said he […]
Continue readingRainy Day at the Mines
The day after the bird park visit, there was another thing that Irfan wanted to do with his grandparents – which was to bowl. Actually the previous day we did attempt to travel to the bowling alley at Midvalley but the arcology was jam-packed with cars, so we instead went […]
Continue readingAllie’s 23 Month Birthday
And Allie is now another month older. She was 23 months old last Tuesday, and now is not even a month away from her second birthday! How crazy is that? It feels just like yesterday when Allie was born and now, look at her: [[image:allie668a.jpg:Wearing her trademark barrette:center:0]] * Mouse […]
Continue readingHappy Father’s Day! (Backdated)
This is a backdated entry in honor of Father’s Day. I managed to pick out some gifts for Vin (seen below) and Allie and Lily got together and sent Vin an e-card. In keeping with last year’s theme, Allie models Vin’s presents: [[image:allie638a.jpg:Take me out to the ballgame!:center:0]] Vin got […]
Continue readingAn Exploration of the Aviary
Atok and Opah came a-visiting for the school holidays, and one of the places Irfan wanted to go with them was the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park. It was quite huge and housed many species of birds, most of which are free to fly about under the park’s netting enclosure. Sure, […]
Continue readingSubang Airport Pickup
After 10 days back in Pasir Mas, Irfan’s Cik Ma returned to KL by way of the old Subang Airport, which is now the new “Subang Skypark”. It seemed to have transformed from a musty warehouse airport into a 21st century shopping mall airport. Doors opened automatically for us and […]
Continue readingThe Ting Sisters
It’s now 2010, and it’s exactly 30 years since I first met Teik Sing in Standard 1. We were a year younger than Irfan is now. They’re back on vacation from Sydney and we went out to meet them at their old place in Puchong, where we first meet Ashley’s […]
Continue readingStrike Force 7 Spot Illustrations
Recently I was given the task to come up with some spot illustrations for Strike Force 7 – Savaged! from Super Genius Games, the role-playing game that uses the Savage Worlds system. It’s currently available for sale as a pdf on RPGNow and DriveThruRPG, but Super Genius Games will soon […]
Continue readingAllie’s 22 Month Birthday
So Allie turned 22 months old on the 22nd (yesterday)! Since it fell on a Saturday and I didn’t have to work, Vin and I had a fun day planned out for the girl. And I apologize way in advance for the sheer number of pictures in this entry. [[image:allie626a.jpg:Hey […]
Continue readingFive Years Already?
Exactly five years ago Vin and Sila got married. Happy fifth anniversary, you guys! May you guys be blessed with another hundred thousand centuries of happiness, and then some.
Continue readingA Penny Dreadful
… is a penny earned. Or something. Here is an image of a penny dreadful cover I made based on the three characters in the previous entry’s Doctor Who RPG game that chose to stay in the alternate timeline of Victorian London filled with strange alien refugees and hybridised alien […]
Continue readingAdventures In Time, Space and Victorian London
On Sunday I played in Cubicle 7’s Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space role-playing game. Usually Doug GMs, but Kai guest-GMed the game I was in. Kai deliberately GMed the session rules lite and with a more free-form style which allowed for cinematic fast play. You have Attributes and […]
Continue readingEdumacation. Make it Happen.
One thing about looking for rezeki in Malaysia at my age, it’s difficult to do so without at least an undergraduate degree or a diploma, and I have neither. Although I have experience in some fields, I don’t have any official certificate telling potential employers that it’s worth paying me […]
Continue readingIrfan’s Player Character Saves The Day
Irfan played his first complete Star Wars Role-Playing Game adventure today, as everyone’s favourite intrepid astromech droid Artoo-Detoo. He was awesome at figuring out solutions to simple problems that were presented in the scenario that I cooked up. He even role-played Artoo well by having in-character conversations in regular robotic […]
Continue readingDon’t Mess With Mickey’s Cockatoo – An Iron Man 2 Review
Tony Stark is back on the big screen again in Iron Man 2. And this time he’s brought more friends as well as enemies. General thoughts about it after watching it last Thursday: Another awesome movie which Robert Downey Jr. starred as Tony Stark, but also allowed every character to […]
Continue readingAllie’s 21 Month Birthday
Yet another month has passed. Allie turned 21 months old on Earth Day (April 22nd). She had an action-packed day, and we all enjoyed it. [[image:allie580a.jpg:Roarrrrrrr:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions The days just pass by so quickly, that for the most part, Vin and I can barely […]
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