Heroic Journey Publishing’s Mecha RPG: Reign of the Descended has been released on DriveThruRPG. It’s a setting book for Chris Perrin’s Mecha role-playing game where players live in an apocalyptic aftermath of an alien invasion. The human resistance fighters are underpowered and badly armed, but with the power armour in their possession, the […]
Continue readingCategory Archives: Artwork
The blog posts with my artwork in them are listed in this category!
- Click here to visit the main gallery.
- Click here to visit my Artstation page.
- Email me at hisham(at)hishgraphics(dot)com for commission inquires.
Terror of Yolanda Comic Page Process
Terror of Yolanda is a 10-page comic written by Angelia Ong for the Haiyan Benefit Anthology comic, which I pencilled and inked. Here is a look at the process of getting page 7 together. First I set the page size by pixel, lay the page out on GIMP from Angelia’s script, and then pencil […]
Continue readingInvulnerable Super Hero RPG: Vigilante Edition
The Invulnerable Super Hero RPG: Vigilante Edtion game designed by Joshua Kubli has been released on DriveThruRPG. Head on down there to purchase it for some supers action in your own super powered setting or use the native setting that allows you to create supernatural heroes, science heroes, mutant heroes, robot […]
Continue readingMister Beargguy III
Here’s my first ever fan art from the Mobile Suit Gundam multiverse. It’s not a Gundam. It’s not a Zaku. It’s KUMA-03 Mr. Beargguy III from Gundam Build Fighters, the mobile suit Gunpla built and piloted by China Kousaka. Because Mr. Beargguy rocks.
Continue readingYaya’s Super Frog
Yaya drew a super hero of her own design for Sila’s birthday earlier in the year. I prettied it up some more for her.
Continue readingTwo Female SWAG Thieves
No, not art thieves on the Star Wars Artists’ Guild. Just drawing two Star Wars thieves as requested by their players for the RPG! My first SWAG requests for the year. requested by “hiei252”. requested by IJ Thompson.
Continue readingWandrella – With Stats!
From the first ever Star Wars original novel, Splinter of the Mind’s Eye by Alan Dean Foster, is the giant worm known as wandrella. It was visually defined by Chris Sprouse in the Dark Horse Comic adaptation mini-series. There is a link to the D6 stats below, and comparable (more […]
Continue readingBarri – With Stats!
Like the space slug, the barri is another beast that lives in vacuum. A barri breaks down asteroids using its acid secretions with its mouth and absorb its nutrients. It can also propel itself by expelling gaseous waste underneath its quadridactyl base. (Yes. It farts though space between asteroids.) Being semi-sapient, it […]
Continue readingNight’s Black Agents: Attack On Titan
Previously, Nikolai Kaidanovsky, Sami Härkönen, Shiina “Misha” Mikado and Zlatan Kljujic were joined by the French thief Marcel Clouseau in Bucharest who once dealt with Inish Medical before their exile fro Romania. (Clouseau has been relegated to a non-player character as his player had moved out of town.) At midnight, […]
Continue readingBU-77, Fugitive ARC Trooper
I once posted about BU-77 the ARC Trooper, my Star Wars D6 RPG character from the Team: Sabredart campaign, complete with D6 stats. Recently, I found a line art of BU-77 that I drew after became a fugitive from the Republic and wore a new costume he found aboard the […]
Continue readingCartol’s Emporium
Jegergryte did not wish to disturb me after I created artwork for his Edge of the Empire group, so he requested an artwork on SWAG. After a month or so without being picked up – and I had some free time to spare – I yoinked it The drawing of […]
Continue readingJegergryte’s Crew
Some months back, I drew some player characters for Jegergryte‘s Edge of the Empire RPG player characters. I pushed my digital painting abilities, exercising my skills so they would be closer to what they should be if I am to land better freelance art jobs. Jace Maverick is a swashbuckler […]
Continue readingEclipse Phase: Web of the Jorōgumo
Eclipse Phase: Clouds of a Morning Star continued from the previous session at Wira Games and Hobbies. Location: Aphrodite Prime, about 50 km above Venus’ surface. Active Gamera Security (GamSec) Personnel: DANAI and Wandering Ina (and Wandering Ina-α) the infomorphs, Boris Ivanov Rasputin the Second – a neo-hominid lawyer in […]
Continue readingMecha Kaiju Cover
After producing some interior artwork for Heroic Journey Publishing’s Mecha Mercenaries last year, they commissioned some more artwork for their new supplement, Kaiju: A Mecha Supplement of Terrible Creatures and Giant Fighting Robots to be released in the near future. Click here to check out Mecha Mercenaries at RPGNow. You […]
Continue readingPainting Plates
Since Yaya loves doing artwork so much (just like a certain Pak Yope of hers), we found a place nearby, Paintbrush Pottery, where you can choose something ceramic (a plate, figurine, etc.), paint it, and they would fire it up and glaze it for you. It was a nice Saturday […]
Continue readingPui-ui
The Pui-ui was a sapient species created by Brian Daley for his 1980 novel Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. (I love the book. I’ve even ran games that took different gaming groups to Dellalt a few times.) I searched the internet for pictures of them but none was to […]
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