
Barri – With Stats!

Like the space slug, the barri is another beast that lives in vacuum. A barri breaks down asteroids using its acid secretions with its mouth and absorb its nutrients. It can also propel itself by expelling gaseous waste underneath its quadridactyl base. (Yes. It farts though space between asteroids.) Being semi-sapient, it […]

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Hondo and Numa

EOTE: Return to Mos Shuuta

Edged by the Empire Episode 04 Return to Mos Shuuta The Star Wars RPG adventure continues from the previous session with Act 2 of The Long Arm of the Hutt free downloadable adventure (PDF download, low res version, 2.4MB). The story arc concludes with “Return to Mos Shuuta”, but the […]

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It should read "Concealed Sidearm"

Night’s Black Agents: Attack On Titan

Previously, Nikolai Kaidanovsky, Sami Härkönen, Shiina “Misha” Mikado and Zlatan Kljujic were joined by the French thief Marcel Clouseau in Bucharest who once dealt with Inish Medical before their exile fro Romania. (Clouseau has been relegated to a non-player character as his player had moved out of town.) At midnight, […]

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It's the little boy that's the psycho

Eclipse Phase: Thanks for the Memories

I missed two roleplaying sessions of Eclipse Phase since the last game. Location: Aphrodite Prime, Venus. Active Gamera Security (GamSec) Personnel: DANAI and Wandering Ina the infomorphs, William Cable Jr. – paranoid terrorist in a neotenic pod morph and Hokusai Tarnungshaut – neo-octopus artist in a slitheroid morph. Hokusai-free Session […]

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The board

Paper Minis: Geonosians

I created some Geonosian paper miniature for Star Wars RPG. Geonosians get their own sheet because the general need for it at present thanks to Act 2 of The Long Arm of the Hutt for Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beginner Game which takes place on Geonosis. My own […]

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Sami Härkönen hard at work

Night’s Black Agents: A Romanian Rendezvous

Previously, the Agents completed a week-long mission at Inish Medical, a multinational medical corporation that was using the haemocanis serum derived from blood of certain East European dog breeds to give vampiric abilities to their subjects. Inish appeared to have larger, more diabolical plans for the serum application. It was […]

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BU-77 v3 WIP

BU-77, Fugitive ARC Trooper

I once posted about BU-77 the ARC Trooper, my Star Wars D6 RPG character from the  Team: Sabredart campaign, complete with D6 stats. Recently, I found a line art of BU-77 that I drew after became a fugitive from the Republic and wore a new costume he found aboard the […]

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A modified Nebulon-B escort frigate

Cartol’s Emporium

Jegergryte did not wish to disturb me after I created artwork for his Edge of the Empire group, so he requested an artwork on SWAG. After a month or so without being picked up – and I had some free time to spare – I yoinked it The drawing of […]

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Che Rohn

Jegergryte’s Crew

Some months back, I drew some player characters for Jegergryte‘s Edge of the Empire RPG player characters. I pushed my digital painting abilities, exercising my skills so they would be closer to what they should be if I am to land better freelance art jobs. Jace Maverick is a swashbuckler […]

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Mini painting

Irfan at the Game Shop

Earlier today, there was an Eclipse Phase game at Wira Games and Hobbies in Subang Jaya. Irfan came along for the ride. At first his plan was to buy his own set of polyhedral dice. His Own Stuff that he’ll be able to use with games like Swords and Wizardry […]

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