The usual suspects

DnD: Winter at Stonehaven

We have visitors this week. The language educators from Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand are on a three-day working visit of Universiti Malaysia Perlis. There are a number of activities that the Centre for International Languages scheduled from them. One of the activities is a tabletop role-playing game session. I […]

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Coriolis RPG: Dark Flowers

Yesterday, I was reunited with the old GOKL crew for a one-shot RPG session of Coriolis – The Third Horizon RPG. Coriolis is a game published by Modiphius Entertainment and uses the same system as Mutant: Year Zero and Tales from the Loop role-playing games. Humanity has reached a star […]

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The Laundry: An Unbelievably Wooden Dialogue

Episode 2 An Unbelievably Wooden Dialogue Previously, the agents that comprised Team Bunga Tahi Ayam and their de facto field supervisor Puan Izani travelled to Ulu Yam to investigate the disappearance of Team Bunga Kemboja Capital Laundry Services (Malaysia). Their investigations led them to a kedai runcit owner named Sabri […]

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The GM Awakens

SWD6: A Wild Stranglepod Appears

Time is the Hunter Episode 07: A Wild Stranglepod Appears Continuing the adventure I ran for Ain and Irfan – (counts fingers) – 16 months ago… Bounty hunter Jax Hunt and amnesiac lady who called herself Iris Helena were waiting in the Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter assigned to […]

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DnD: The Dark Mage

As three members of our Laundry RPG campaign were unable to attend today’s session, the two remaining players decided on a one-shot Dungeons and Dragons session. The Holy City of Honour was a city where dozens of peoples from dozens of faiths come to visit. It grew to be its […]

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Group photo

DnD: Pretty Werewolves

Once upon a time at a time forgotten by lore, there was a city known as Big Dark Mountain. It was once a great mountain which had been hewn into a plateau. Humans, elves, dwarves and dragonborn came to build a city upon the plateau. Even a number of drow […]

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The ladies

DnD: Fallen Nation

Once upon a time, a cadre of wayward mercenaries – warriors lost without a kingdom – roamed around in search for adventures and a purpose. They hired themselves out to protect the common folk from a growing evil that has begun to stalk the land. Dramatis Personae Sage – Drow […]

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The CIL tabletop RPG group

The Laundry: The New Normal

Episode 1 The New Normal Two weeks ago, my colleagues from the Centre for International Languages and I started with a session zero. Today, we played our first actual The Laundry RPG session. A group of language teachers attempted to play as a group of ultra-secret government intelligence agents trying […]

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First Savage Session

Savage Worlds: A Simple Job

Kuala Lumpur 2099 was a colossal city-state, among hundred of other city-states which still existed on this dying Earth. Half of the population of the planet were safely nestled in these cities subject to amazing technology, while also under the watchful eye of the tyrannical megacorporations.  The other half of […]

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