Young roleplaying gamers

BFF: The Free Wizards of the Clave

The last day of Ramadhan, Irfan taught cousin Aiman to play RPG, specifically BareBones Fantasy (BBF). With the Eid Tabletop RPG Travel Pack I brought, I gamemastered an impromptu session for the cousins in the morning. Irfan tweaked his old player character (PC) Jake Hastur to be the Halfling wizard […]

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Amani as Byt, Faeezah as Koogik, Nailah as Malea, Adha as Merick, Saiful as Vonnick, Ridzuan as Salporin

Force and Destiny: Jungle in the Sky

I was finally able to run another role-playing game session for my students for an English Language speaking exercise, the first for this semester. Probably no other games will be run because it is already quite late in the semester for other sessions. Students will be concentrating on their finals. […]

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The final battle

EOTE: Problem Child

Edge of the Empire: Problem Child Dramatis Personae: Amri as Grabow, male Wookiee doctor Ijam as Matwe, male human smuggler pilot Fazrie as Lumpy, male Wookiee mercenary soldier Just as it was more than 20 years ago in Sitiawan when a bunch of unfamiliar people asked if I could run […]

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View from the Peanut Gallery

Mini Six: Shadows Through The Mist

I have always stated that tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) can be amazing teaching tools, not only for language purposes but to develop critical thinking skills, social skills and general knowledge. Yesterday, I finally ran a game in an English for General Purposes class to see the students could be engaged […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Doublecross

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 08: Doublecross After their mission to Driscall, bouny hunters Shanna Toarinar and Ace Browning Crossfire along with the pirate Phoenix Avalon were assigned a new pilot, the Quarren hot dogger ace Dorniekke Nels and a temporary member, the elderly former Imperial Star Destroyer Captain Robetre. Their commander […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Battle Among the Clouds

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 07 Battle Among the Clouds A CRY FOR HELP FROM IGMALAR! Drew Greyhelm received a signal from Rebel spy Ooogle Flutzgle at the swamp planet of Igmalar in the Enteague Sector. He had important information for the Alliance. Fresh from their mission to Belderone, Shanna Toarninar the […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Betrayal

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 06 Betrayal After their little bounty hunting side job, the team returned to Enteague Minor to discover that Commander Drew Greyhelm had added a new member to their ranks, the human star pilot Viveede Briylle Colore. Commander Greyhelm assigned Shanna Toarinar and Phoenix Avalon a new mission. […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Rogue Lieutenant

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 05 The Rogue Lieutenant After their previous adventure to the “illusory” planet of Zarligrenor, the strikeforce decided to take a week off at the Ginuvar system located also in the Enteague Sector. Moonlighting at Ginuvar Ginuvar was a patchwork of territories belonging to galactic and local corporations […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Test of Truth Part 2

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 04B The Test of Truth Part 2 Click here for The Test of Truth Part 1! On their transport mission, the Nexus Point has crashed on an uncharted planet! Passenger Trace Traverse has disappeared! Their weapons are disabled! Unknown forces are closing in on the party! The […]

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Nasi Lemak Protocol

The Man From Counter Possession

Episode 1 The Man From Counter Possession On this slow lazy Sunday afternoon, after binge watching the new series Stranger Things which I had described elsewhere as “totally a Laundry RPG scenario set in America, where Black Chamber operatives in the Department of Energy attempt to contain their screw up […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Snow Job

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 03 Snow Job The adventures of the Strikefore Enteague continued as the team relocated to the new Alliance outpost on the moon of Enteague Minor, to be commanded by rebel commando Drew Greyhelm, a native of the Sirsee system in the Enteague sector. In their first official […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Rebel Breakout

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 02 Rebel Breakout After the first solo session that introduced Bounty Hunter Shanna Toarinar into the campaign, I ran a session for a larger group of players using the adventure included in West End Games’ Star Wars The Roleplaying Game rule book, entitled Rebel Breakout. I thought […]

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