The King with two bodyguards

Battle At The Coral Moon

Clone Wars Episode 1 The scenario titled “Ambush” was designed so that the Player Characters (PCs), on the side of the Galactic Republic, set down on the moon known as Rugosa in a diplomatic mission. Rugosa’s terrain was a thick forest of a multitude of hard, gigantic coral structures. If […]

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I Want To Play In This Campaign

PVP Online‘s latest comic regales us with a description of one of the greatest ideas for an RPG campaign. I believe I’d very much like to play Jesse Mach of Street Hawk in that campaign. Anyone else willing to be Stringfellow Hawke, B.J McKay, Sheriff Lobo and Colt Seavers travelling […]

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Arakyd Diamondback

Arakyd Diamondback Droid Stats

It was during the Enteague Sector campaign for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game which I GMed perhaps fifteen years ago. A new team of the Strikeforce Enteague, consisting of younger members, had to investigate the Malc Toldreyn Library on the planet Neeuderni to solve the campaign mystery arc of why […]

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The old RPG gang

So what IS a Role-playing Game Anyway?

I have a Role-playing Games category right over there at the left sidebar on the front page of the site. I’m sure there’s a lot of visitors to this site that will probably shrug and say, “I dunno”, or half-heartedly answer, “Something like Dungeons and Dragons?” Well, Dungeons and Dragons […]

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Starships of the Galaxy by Uncle Gary

Another one of Irfan’s Uncle Gary’s writing project has been officially been announced by Wizards of the Coast, which is Starships of the Galaxy for Star Wars Roleplaying Game – Saga Edition Core Rulebook the third edition of the d20 gaming rules. The book was a collaborative effort between Gary, […]

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Fragments From The Rim

Fragments From The Rim

All my life I’ve loved the idea of the Star Wars universe. When I discovered that there was a Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by West End Games back in 1987 I was excited. But this won’t be about how I got into RPGs, but the review of one of […]

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Skill check

You Rolled Poorly

Some weeks ago I wrote an entry on role-playing game motivational posters. Last night I discovered a website that allows you create your own by uploading your own pictures and entering your own lines of text. (Doesn’t even have to be about RPGs, even.) So here we are with my […]

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Noumenon cover

A Noumenon Review at RPGNet

I rarely write for my supper, so when I see a good review for something which I participated in I get very elated. Noumenon, the RPG published by Abstract Nova, was reviewed by Jocelyn Robitaille at RPGNet on the 30th of March and I missed it… until just now. For […]

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The fearless penguin strikes

Motivational Posters, But….

You’ve seen those motivational posters? The black bordered ones with the inspiring and or beautiful picture of nature, or a cute child or a kitten. Below the image is usually a word or a phrase of the facet of humanity requiring the motivation. Below that line, in smaller type, is […]

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Cracken's Collection of Crazed Crackpots Cover Clangs Cowbells

Cracken’s Collection of What?!?

In the tradition of West End Games’ series of sourcebooks such as Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide, Cracken’s Rebel Operatives and Cracken’s Threat Dossier (all of which are books written in-universe by the fictional General Airen Cracken), I now bring you the non-official mini-sourcebook pdf for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game […]

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Torchwood Is An Anagram, See?

Some TV stuff: [[image:captjack.jpg:Captain Jack is looking for a sex-addicted gas alien:center:0]]I’ve seen the pilot of BBC’s new Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood and I like it so far. The production design is leaps and bounds better and a far cry from the time Tom Baker was the good doctor. It […]

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Really All It’s Quacked Up To Be

So what’s one animal you can think of that’s not a maneater, can’t overrun the entire world and physically incapable of killing humans on this planet? I’m thinking… ducks. So it came to pass I started thinking of a silly RPG sourcebook which will be available for free download named […]

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