Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Rebel Breakout

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 02 Rebel Breakout After the first solo session that introduced Bounty Hunter Shanna Toarinar into the campaign, I ran a session for a larger group of players using the adventure included in West End Games’ Star Wars The Roleplaying Game rule book, entitled Rebel Breakout. I thought […]

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Paperminis: Rogue One Troopers

Rogue One, the first of the Star Wars anthology movies, will be released in six months. New stormtrooper types which will make their debut in the film have been introduced by Lucasfilm a couple of weeks ago. We have no idea what the functions of these new stormtroopers are right […]

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Meow, Jax and Amnesiac Lady prepare themselves for future adventures

SWD6: The Privilege of Choice

Time is the Hunter Episode 04: The Privilege of Choice A 1500th post special! Last time on Star Wars Time is the Hunter, Jax Hunt finds himself being forcibly inducted into a bounty hunter posse bent on killing his mark, known only as The Skywalker in the abandoned structures deep […]

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Modesty Blaze nose art!

Modesty Blazing Intro Video

While awaiting the next time I travel to Kuala Lumpur and by chance the GOKL group is free to congregate for a roleplaying session of Star Wars Edge of the Empire, I have created an intro video of our campaign Modesty Blazing, also using OpenShot Video Editor. Video making is […]

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Irfan's not a galactic bounty hunter. He just plays one in a roleplaying game

SWD6: Stalk the Lower Levels

Time is the Hunter Episode 02: Stalk the Lower Levels Last time on Time is the Hunter, Irfan played bounty hunter Jax Hunt who signed up with the Byblos chapter of the House Benelex Bounty Hunting Guild at Tower 214. Jax Hunt arrived the next day at Abbit Mowba‘s office. […]

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So here then be Finn a.k.a FN-2187 who appears glad to be running the Strike Force Shantipole module from West End Games. He can’t wait to use the Star Destroyer deckplans therein.

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Here then is Poe Dameron son of Kes Dameron and Shara Bey. I heard he has a very nice X-wing fighter. And he handles it well, too. Also, I heard yesterday was actor Oscar Isaac’s birthday. Happy birthday, Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada!

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Here is Rey from Star Wars the Force Awakens, reading some sort of manual. I have it on good authority that she is the biological daughter of the Millennium Falcon and the space slug called Grendel.

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Wait, I thought this was a tabletop game

SWD6: Point of Entry

Time is the Hunter Episode 01: Point of Entry I figured it was time to return to the source from whence my interest of simulationist/narrativist tabletop games originated: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game once published by West End Games and run using the D6 system. It was the first RPG […]

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I think I damaged this one

Paper Minis: Rebel Commandos

We are now back in the Classic Trilogy era after a foray into The Force Awakens paper miniatures for an entry or four. Rebel Alliance’s SpecForce battalions are many. Among them are the SpecForce Pathfinders and SpecForce Infiltrators. A mixed SpecForce squad comprised the rebel commando strike team that sabotaged […]

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He kind of looks like Deadpool doesn't he

Paper Minis: Guavian Enforcers

The Guavian Death Gang could conceivably be your player characters’ generic criminal enemies in your RPG campaign. Don’t forget to take into account the Guavian Security Soldiers’ illegal cybernetics that boost their agility and strength while allowing them to network with each other using high-frequency datastreams as they fight your […]

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