Irfan Takes To The Alleys

The bowling alley, to be precise. Thanks to Irfan’s Cik Emma, we all went for a round of bowling last Sunday. Irfan was at first hesitant to pick up a bowling ball, but soon found himself having fun throwing the ball at the pins. The pins, I hoped, had fun […]

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Hokusai Tarnungshaut grayscale

In My Garden, In The Shade

My player character in Eclipse Phase is named Hokusai Tarnungshaut. He is an octopus. Specifically, he is a North Pacific Giant Octopus with an uplifted human-like intelligence. He comes with the regular eight arm, a beak and a camouflage skin. He was uplifted by a scientist in a hypercorp during […]

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From Industrial Automatons

Paper Minis: Astromech Droids

Do you know what any Star Wars RPG campaign requires? A liberal sprinkling of astromech droids all over the landscape. Indoors and outdoors, working or hanging out, moving or stationary, hyperactive or depressed, driven or apathetic. You’d especially want the ubiquitous R-series astromech droids from the manufacturer Industrial Automatons. I’ve […]

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What Happened at the Coral Reef?

[[image:evagoestothebeach-cover.jpg:Well, she does!:left:0]]I wrote, dedicated and presented this book to baby Eva – currently less than half a year old – at the gathering last week. I hope some day Mei & Andrew will be able to read to Eva, and she will wonder what a crazy nut Uncle Hisham […]

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Combat & Movement

Star Wars RPG D6 GM Screen

Here’s something I’ve been working on for the last year or so, created over long periods of nothingness punctuated by brief periods of activity. My very own design for a full-colour Star Wars RPG Gamemaster’s Screen in D6 rules – using Inkscape. There are three pages of inserts, each US […]

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I Scream You Scream We All Scream

for Graeter’s Ice Cream!!!! Ever since we really explored a local chain of fabulous ice cream (they made Allie’s birthday cakes last year – mmmmmm) we have totally been converted. Eat your heart out Ben & Jerry’s! Take a hike, Cold Stone Creamery! Graeter’s is the greatest!!! This is my […]

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Makan-makan with Jen

So before Jen and Mike set off for their awesome vacation (one of the legs included dinner with Hisham’s family), we had a warm up makan session at the newly discovered Penang restaurant in Edison, NJ. We ordered so much food that they had to move us from a table […]

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Be prepared

Paper Mini Imperial Troops

The ubiquitous Imperial Stormtrooper Corps is feared throughout the galaxy, which warrant their own set of paper minis. Here is a full 8-man stormtrooper squad. Are they Carida Academy graduates or GeNode clones? Who cares. I just want pie. Stormtrooper Scouts a.k.a Scout Troopers are highly mobile and lightly armoured. […]

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Allie’s 20 Month Birthday

It happened! On March 22nd (last Monday) Allie became a 20-month-old! We have no idea where the time went and suddenly she’s such a lively and independent little thing! She had a terrific day, even though Mama had to work. Papa manned the camera and took a ton of pictures. […]

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The gang, arrayed for a photo shoot

Paper Minis for Star Wars RPG

A Bad Example in the Spacelanes Star Wars RPG Paperminis Thanks to Ivan using generic paper miniatures during the Warhammer session last month, it struck me to look for Star Wars RPG paper minis on the web. There are a couple online, but I thought it would be awesome to […]

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Phineas and Ferb

One of the cool things about having a kid is that you get to check out all the children’s TV shows that are out there. Well, you know. It’s got to be vetted before Allie is allowed to watch it. 😉 This is one of our new favorite shows: [[image:phineas_and_ferb_logo.png:Mom, […]

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