Title card Star Trek Adventures Emergency Deep S01E01

STA: Deep End of the Pool

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E01 “The Deep End of the Pool” Here’s a new style of Star Trek Adventures session write-up. A Captain’s Log as written by Dan who plays Captain Ellison. Dramatis Personae and GM’s synopsis is posted after the log. Beginning Captain’s Log. Stardate 58457.8 USS Östergötland […]

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I play Willem Novak

Blade Runner RPG: Electric Dreams

Over the course of January and February I played in the Blade Runner RPG Starter Set introductory adventure, entitled Electric Dreams. So, this write-up contains spoilers for a relatively brand new published product from Free League. Spoilers beyond this point. Read with caution. Dramatic Personae Willem Novak, Human, Inspector – […]

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I play Caleb Sale

Delta Green: Chicago Hopeless

We began a new campaign on Discord and Foundry VTT. This time it’s Delta Green, gamemastered by Ivan. Delta Green is a game of conspiracy of Lovecraftian proportions set in the modern age, and published by  Arc Dream Publishing. It uses a variation of Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying  System for Call […]

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Coriolis: A bridge too near

Coriolis RPG: An Abridged Firefight

Coriolis RPG 04 An Abridged Firefight Last week, the crew of the Prosperous Cheetah tracked a missing archaeologist and retrieved a stolen artefact. They found the First Idol of the Dancer hidden on a bridge in the Coriolis Promenade. Suddenly, the person who hired them appeared… Dramatis Personae Omar Kayyam […]

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Coriolis Promenade

Coriolis RPG: A Missing Archaeologist

Coriolis RPG 03 A Missing Archaeologist Last week, we finished the Coriolis RPG published adventure entitled The Dying Ship. Last night – now reconvened on Roll20 – the crew thought they would spent the day relaxing on Coriolis station orbiting Kua. Or so they thought… Dramatis Personae Omar Kayyam – […]

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Coriolis RPG: Aboard the Dying Ship

Coriolis RPG 02 Aboard the Dying Ship Yesterday we continued the Coriolis RPG campaign online with Ivan as the gamemaster. We played the published adventure entitled Coriolis: The Dying Ship which is available at the Modiphius (dead link) website. Here is the second session. Last time, on Coriolis: Hikayat Samrddhi […]

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Coriolis RPG: Dark Flowers

Yesterday, I was reunited with the old GOKL crew for a one-shot RPG session of Coriolis – The Third Horizon RPG. Coriolis is a game published by Modiphius Entertainment and uses the same system as Mutant: Year Zero and Tales from the Loop role-playing games. Humanity has reached a star […]

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Ania and Ayah Ngah

A Solo Return to KL

I got a call from Shide with whom I had several work adventures with years ago who needed me to return to Kuala Lumpur for some minor business. He graciously footed the travel bill for me, so after we decided on a flight ticket. So yay! I get to ride […]

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There goes the neighourhood...

Legendary Guardians

On our recent return to the city, the GOKL gang gifted upon us more fun stuff: the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion set for the Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building game. Since then, we never had the opportunity to break it out of the box to play it… until today. […]

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At Pandan Capital

A Return To the Tenth Floor

It’s the Labour Day/Wesak Day long weekend. We were unsure if we were able to travel 500 klicks plus change to the old house back on the Tenth Floor in Kuala Lumpur. We had planned on departing at 3AM, but because we were exhausted we awoke at six, and after […]

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