Ham Slacker character sheet

Ham Slacker Remembered

I have been running Star Wars The Role Playing Game published by West End Games since 1989, two years after its debut on the market. I wish I had saved a lot of the game materials I wrote and the character sheets the players had. I actually began filing my […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Where No Saboteur Has Dreamt Before

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 13: Where No Saboteur Has Dreamt Before Soon after the events of Kinooine, an independent scout named Brett “Bloodhound” Baden joined the strikeforce, after being invited by Drew Greyhelm. As Brett settled into the team, the outpost received a priority message from the informant on Igmalar Ooogle […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Quest for the Weaponship

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 12: Quest for the Weaponship Previously, the strikeforce travelled to Golrath to rescue Drew Greyhelm and Luke Skywalker from incarceration… After Commander Skywalker had departed Enteague Minor to return to his own base, Drew returned to work and received information from Ooogle Flutzgle, his informer in the […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Rapid Rescue

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 11: Rapid Rescue Previously, some time after the last Strikeforce mission, Drew Greyhelm and another rebel agent were captured during a mission to Tatooine… Enteague Outpost Commander Dominic assembled bounty hunter Shanna Toarinar, pilot Viveede Briylle Colore, and the gambler Scurvy H. Sharky for the rescue mission. […]

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Sandtroopers on patrol

SWD6: Dangers of the Wastes

Strikeforce Enteague Interlude Contacts in the Dark Episode 3 Dangers of the Wastes Previously, during the mission to intercept critical information from being transmitted by an Imperial Ubiqtorate encampment on Tatooine, Mark Grog the bounty hunter, Steven Waverider the outlaw and Roland Ritcher the gambler meet up with Drew Greyhelm […]

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Mos Eisley Spaceport

SWD6: Once Upon A Wretched Hive

Strikeforce Enteague Interlude Contacts in the Dark Episode 2 Once Upon A Wretched Hive Previously, three rebel agents from the Cratertown rebel cell on Ord Mantell, Mark Grog, Steven Waverider and Roland Ritcher  headed out on a mission with Strikeforce Enteague commander Drew Greyhelm from Enteague Minor. Their mission was […]

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Cloud City

SWD6: Many Meetings

Strikeforce Enteague Interlude Contacts in the Dark Episode 1 Many Meetings Some time after the abduction of Viveede Colore and Akela T’sing during their mission to Igmalar,  Commander Dominic informed Drew Greyhelm that Alliance High Command had a mission for him. An Imperial Ubiqtorate temporary encampment on Tatooine had discovered […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Derelict of Death

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 10: Derelict of Death After their return from Tatooine, the team had several uneventful weeks on Enteague Minor. But before long, Drew Greyhelm acquired a new recruit: the scout Akela T’sing. He wore a dusty camouflaged trench coat and a combat helmet with canvas weather flaps down […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Tatooine Manhunt

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 09: Tatooine Manhunt It has been many years since I last continued writing an actual play report entry of my oldest Star Wars RPG campaign: Strikeforce Enteague. Where was I? Oh yes. Still back in 1989 real time… Enteague Minor As Cal Tynblade was tossed into a […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Doublecross

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 08: Doublecross After their mission to Driscall, bouny hunters Shanna Toarinar and Ace Browning Crossfire along with the pirate Phoenix Avalon were assigned a new pilot, the Quarren hot dogger ace Dorniekke Nels and a temporary member, the elderly former Imperial Star Destroyer Captain Robetre. Their commander […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Battle Among the Clouds

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 07 Battle Among the Clouds A CRY FOR HELP FROM IGMALAR! Drew Greyhelm received a signal from Rebel spy Ooogle Flutzgle at the swamp planet of Igmalar in the Enteague Sector. He had important information for the Alliance. Fresh from their mission to Belderone, Shanna Toarninar the […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Betrayal

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 06 Betrayal After their little bounty hunting side job, the team returned to Enteague Minor to discover that Commander Drew Greyhelm had added a new member to their ranks, the human star pilot Viveede Briylle Colore. Commander Greyhelm assigned Shanna Toarinar and Phoenix Avalon a new mission. […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Rogue Lieutenant

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 05 The Rogue Lieutenant After their previous adventure to the “illusory” planet of Zarligrenor, the strikeforce decided to take a week off at the Ginuvar system located also in the Enteague Sector. Moonlighting at Ginuvar Ginuvar was a patchwork of territories belonging to galactic and local corporations […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Test of Truth Part 2

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 04B The Test of Truth Part 2 Click here for The Test of Truth Part 1! On their transport mission, the Nexus Point has crashed on an uncharted planet! Passenger Trace Traverse has disappeared! Their weapons are disabled! Unknown forces are closing in on the party! The […]

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Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: Snow Job

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 03 Snow Job The adventures of the Strikefore Enteague continued as the team relocated to the new Alliance outpost on the moon of Enteague Minor, to be commanded by rebel commando Drew Greyhelm, a native of the Sirsee system in the Enteague sector. In their first official […]

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