Spider Monkey

D6: Spider Monkey Stats

Spider Monkey: D6 Stats Spider Monkey Type: Tree-swinging monkey DEX 5D Dodge: 6D+2 Throw: poo 6D PER 2D STR 1D+2 Brawl: bite attack 5D Climb/jump: 7D Move:10 (on ground) / 15 (on trees) Special abilities: Bite attack: STR+1D Damage Poo flinging: On hit, roll target’s willpower against Moderate difficulty. Failure […]

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Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: Doom Agents 01 A Day by the Sea For the third time I ran a tabletop RPG session for my class using the Mini Six system, and this time I have integrated it with the English curriculum we had. The week’s lesson theme was Natural Disaster and I also […]

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View from the Peanut Gallery

Mini Six: Shadows Through The Mist

I have always stated that tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) can be amazing teaching tools, not only for language purposes but to develop critical thinking skills, social skills and general knowledge. Yesterday, I finally ran a game in an English for General Purposes class to see the students could be engaged […]

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Westward cover

Westward is Released!

Westward, the role-playing game from Wicked North Games whose development I have been involved with in this past year, has finally been released. Westward is a game of steampunk wild west set on an human-colonized extrasolar planet. Players and gamemasters of this game play and create adventures around humans whose […]

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Blixus – With Stats!

Among the many entertaining obstacles you could use as challenges for players of the Star Wars RPG are creatures. Defeating a critter is a natural Star Wars storytelling element, as can be seen in the movies. A host of new and original creatures had been created in the Star Wars […]

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Slugshark – With Stats!

When Irfan showed me this clay creature he created, I thought I’d take a photo of it and make up some stats for it. Star Wars D6 Slugshark, Amphibious reptilian predator Scale: Character Length: 150-200cm. DEXTERITY 2D Brawl 3D+2 Constrict 3D+1 PERCEPTION 2D+1 Sneak (only when swimming) 4D STRENGTH 2D […]

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D6 Stats of a Star Wars Hat

From Season 2, Episode 17: “Bounty Hunters” of Star Wars: The Clone Wars comes Embo the Bounty Hunter, a male Kyuzo. His signature gear is his wide-brimmed, armoured hat, which he’s able to use as a shield when turned into incoming blaster bolts. Also, he is able to throw the […]

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Artoo faces off a B1 battle droid

Irfan’s Player Character Saves The Day

Irfan played his first complete Star Wars Role-Playing Game adventure today, as everyone’s favourite intrepid astromech droid Artoo-Detoo. He was awesome at figuring out solutions to simple problems that were presented in the scenario that I cooked up. He even role-played Artoo well by having in-character conversations in regular robotic […]

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Combat & Movement

Star Wars RPG D6 GM Screen

Here’s something I’ve been working on for the last year or so, created over long periods of nothingness punctuated by brief periods of activity. My very own design for a full-colour Star Wars RPG Gamemaster’s Screen in D6 rules – using Inkscape. There are three pages of inserts, each US […]

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Arakyd Diamondback

Arakyd Diamondback Droid Stats

It was during the Enteague Sector campaign for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game which I GMed perhaps fifteen years ago. A new team of the Strikeforce Enteague, consisting of younger members, had to investigate the Malc Toldreyn Library on the planet Neeuderni to solve the campaign mystery arc of why […]

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Fragments From The Rim

Fragments From The Rim

All my life I’ve loved the idea of the Star Wars universe. When I discovered that there was a Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by West End Games back in 1987 I was excited. But this won’t be about how I got into RPGs, but the review of one of […]

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Cracken's Collection of Crazed Crackpots Cover Clangs Cowbells

Cracken’s Collection of What?!?

In the tradition of West End Games’ series of sourcebooks such as Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide, Cracken’s Rebel Operatives and Cracken’s Threat Dossier (all of which are books written in-universe by the fictional General Airen Cracken), I now bring you the non-official mini-sourcebook pdf for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game […]

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